Friday, 31 October 2008

Happy Halloween

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dog Dorothy

When my sister Alie and I were growing up our favorite hairdo was "Dorothy braids." Sure they were just 2 french braids, but to us it meant we were just like Dorothy. Perhaps that's why Alison decided to send Emma this costume for Halloween. NBH is sick so I don't think I will be dressing up tonight, but at least someone in our house got to celebrate!

Thursday, 30 October 2008

I'm all jacked up on caffeine

Today I went on a Starbucks odyssey. Odyssey? Yes, an odyssey. While on my way to get my eyebrows threaded (those scary caterpillars from the London pics are no more) I saw a sign promoting the new "Dark Cherry Mocha." So this morning I decided to indulge and have one.

The first Starbucks I went to the line was too long, so I went to a 2nd Starbucks, again with a giant line, so what else could I do but go to a 3rd Starbucks. All locations were within a block, two blocks of each other. I could have pondered the politics of globalization and market saturation, but I was determined to try this new taste sensation.

I arrived in line and was told that the Dark Cherry Mocha was not available to the public yet, but the wee man made me a sneaky one anyway- SCORE! However now their card machine was broken, so I had to run out to a cash machine and back again. I was rewarded not only with my lovely tasty drink, but a coupon for a free tall one after November the 5th. If you aren't a fan of cherry it is also good for Gingerbread Lattes or Toffee Nut Lattes.

On a completely different note, I am extra sad I didn't see the Dupont Drag Race this year because of fabulous runners like this divalicious creature. I have a secret desire to dress as Palin this Halloween and walk around winking and saying "you betcha" all night.

For those who don't know the annual Drag Race takes place at Dupont Circle around Halloween when fabulously costumed Drag Queens have a 'race' in heels. It's more about the outfits than the racing though. I never managed to make it to a race while I lived in DC and regret it deeply.

I sometimes daydream about running away and having my own drag cabaret as a woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman. Yes I have issues....

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez: Londres

This past weekend NBH and I went to London to see the New Orleans Saints play the San Diego Chargers at Wembley Stadium. We also got to visit and stay with his sister Kate who moved to London a month ago.

We had a great time wandering about London and an amazing time at the game. Special thanks go out to my good friend Bonnie's mom, who since she got into a suite gave us her tickets which were way better than ours and 20 rows back on the 25 yard line.

NBH's Mom was nice enough not only to babysit Emma, but also to loan us her camera. Here is our weekend in pictures:
London 10/24-27
My Grandmother's friend Gert was part of the Kindertransport and I promised her I'd take a picture of the memorial outside Liverpool Street Station the next time I was in London.

There were a couple people building sand sculptures along the banks of the Thames. It reminded me of the sea creatures my Dad made when we were little in North Carolina.

Katie and NBH at pub on the Thames
Dinner at Cafe Dos Sol in Clapham High. It was the best Mexican I've had since living in the UK and I'd highly recommend it!
This has to be the coolest Wetherspoon's pub ever. It's in an old cinema and it still has a lot of the original features. I really wish the big screen was still there though.

Tailgating next to Wembley. There were people in just about every NFL jersey. It was pretty gross and rainy though and the lines for food, drink, face painting were super long.
I didn't realize there was a Bengal one on the other side of the room so I'm a Raider.

NBH couldn't find the Pats either so he was an Eagle.

Even though the rain stopped, it was really cold and I had to break out my hat.
We were so close to the field.

If you look close you can see the ball in the air.

All the Saints fans around us had flown over from New Orleans.

Geaux Saints!

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Monday, 20 October 2008


A little political levity for this Monday.

You can find an abridged version (without Fox News scroll) here:

Friday, 17 October 2008

PPFA: McCain on Women's Health

"Just again, the example of the eloquence of Sen. Obama. He's 'health for the mother.' You know, that's been stretched by the pro-abortion movement in America to mean almost anything. That's the extreme pro-abortion position, quote, 'health.'"— Sen. John McCain, during presidential debate

Since when did women's health become extreme?

What's really extreme here is that John McCain doesn't understand that women's health matters.

What John McCain said Wednesday night, in front of millions of viewers, was belittling to women. He not only mocked Barack Obama for supporting women's health, he mocked women across the country. The debate last night was just the most vivid example of what we've known all along: John McCain is out of touch on women's health.

The simple fact is that we need a president who wants to protect and promote women's health, not ridicule it. If John McCain doesn't understand that, then he's not prepared to govern this country.

Remember, this is not the only example where John McCain doesn't get it when it comes to women's health.

Just a couple months back, McCain had the deer-in-the-headlights look, and couldn't answer whether he thought it was fair that insurance companies that cover Viagra should also cover birth control.

And, remember the time when McCain was asked whether he thought condoms helped stopped the spread of HIV? McCain's response, "You've stumped me." And there's more.

Let's count the ways that John McCain is out of touch on women's health and women's rights:

*He's voted 125 times against women's health.
*He wants to overturn Roe v. Wade.
*He opposes funding to prevent unintended and teen pregnancies.
*He opposes requiring health care plans to cover birth control.
*He opposes equal pay legislation, saying it wouldn't do "anything to help the rights of women."
*He's proposed a health care plan that will be worse for women.

Barack Obama, on the other hand, gets it. Obama talked about commonsense proposals to prevent unintended pregnancy. He talked about a woman, along with her family and her doctor, deciding what is best for her health care. The simple fact is that Barack Obama is a passionate advocate for women's rights, and has a long and consistent record of standing up for women's health care. As president, he will improve access to quality health care for women, support and protect a woman's right to choose, support comprehensive sex education to keep our young people healthy and safe, and invest in prevention programs, including family planning services and breast cancer screenings.

Watch McCain's statement during the debate...

© 2008 Planned Parenthood® Action Fund, Inc

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Pequeña Palin

For those not aware of the awesomeness that is La Pequeña, s/he dons different outfits to enthrall all of us on the Internet. S/he's been Hillary Clinton, Amy Winehouse and many more.

Today she's Sarah Palin and I love it....

Monday, 13 October 2008

UK Grocers Conspiracy

So I looked through my copy of "The Joy of Cooking," one of the US's most published cookbooks and the staple of many kitchens and of the many chili recipes not one counts cilantro(coriander to the Brits) as an ingredient.

I bought some vegetarian chili for dinner at Sainsbury's, cooked it up garnished it with cheese and crackers for NBH and cheese, sour cream and crackers for me and was all ready to get my grub on when NBH asks me:

C: Have you tasted the chili yet?
R: No, why is it gross?
C: No, but I think there is coriander.
R: Ah &*$! let me check the label.....

So yes our chili contained copious amounts of cilantro in it. No, I'm not just picky, I'm allergic to cilantro, so unless swollen tongues, vomiting and rashes are your thing don't give me cilantro.

The Brits seem to flipping love cilantro and it pops up in all sorts of food you'd never expect it to be in. I know to check anything ethnic, whether it is Mexican, Thai, Indian, etc but I'd never think to check chili. I know people like Bobby Flay and Rachel Ray popularize it's use in the US, but I have never seen it used so commonly here.

Ugh, no dinner for me tonight....

Shocking News

I have a totally normal brain, who knew? I got my MRI results back today and everything is fine. Looks like the doctor got a little test happy, because there is no follow-up or anything, which I find a bit strange, but whatever!

Saturday, 11 October 2008

Sweet Victory for Obama

This past week Obama came and spoke at Ault Park, where NBH and I got married in August. I really wish I could have been there. I am probably the only person walking around Glasgow with an Obama button on her jacket and I miss being able to really get involved in the election.

Every year Busken's, an amazing bakery in Cincinnati, sells cookies with the Republican and Democratic candidate's faces on them as a sort of preliminary election poll. They've been doing it since 1992 and supposedly have predicted every Presidential win. I really hope so and I'd love some cookies sent my way please!

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Blondie's Random Rant

What ever happened to Koosh balls? Can you still buy them? I used to looove mine it was purple and blue, but I haven't seen any since Rosie O'Donnell's excessive use on her tv show.

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

1 part egg, 1 part vodka

For those who don't know I now work for an alcohol awareness charity who are committed to improving the quality of people's lives by changing Scotland's drinking culture-promoting responsible drinking behaviour and discouraging drinking to excess.

I'm off to a local shopping mall to man a stall for Alcohol Awareness Week this afternoon; my specific remit is for children and young people, so I thought I'd spread a little awareness here, too.

Plus this video made me want to go home and do an experiment Mr. Wizard style.

Technically it's not cooking, because cooking implies an application of heat, but its cooking (in the sense that lime juice can cook meat) the egg by changing its chemical composition.

Sunday, 5 October 2008

NBH just got back from a weekend trip to London for some business and to visit his friend Dougal and his sister Kate. Emma and I are both happy to have him back, but that's not the only reason why I love him.

He brought me back a double pack of YSL Touche Eclat. I'm a bit of a makeup snob at times but there is really no comparison when it comes to this highlighter/corrector. I've tried the Sephora version and it just isn't the same. I adore it as it brightens your eyes, covers spots and dark circles and can even make your lips look plumper. Now I don't have to ration the little bit I have left anymore.


Thursday, 2 October 2008

Streaming, flaxen, waxen

So a lot of people I know who got married this August as well have recently chopped their hair off. NBH cut his today. Why do so many women cut their hair short after getting married?

I'm going to get mine done on Saturday, but I don't really know if I will go for a chop, because I don't think short hair works well on me. Case in point, Hayden over here.

I've been told she resembles me...I think that's bullshit, but we do have similar face shapes. I much prefer her hair on the left.

What do y'all think? Just a trim or should I try something new? I'm also open to the idea of extensions. And yes I am aware I can't make these sorts of decisions on my own.

V to Ozoo T to the Ezzay

I really wish this was just Jonah Hill and Sarah Silverman....

I'm registered and have ordered my absentee ballot. If you don't vote, you don't get the right to bitch...I don't know about you, but I like bitching, so vote, k?

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Passports & Palin

I posed this questions to a group of women who all live abroad, so I realized our thoughts might be biased. So what's your take? (You can answer if you live abroad)

I read today that Sarah Palin didn't get a passport until 2006 when she went to visit some of the Alaskan National Guard in Kuwait.

Is it important for a vice president -- for all US citizens -- to travel to foreign countries and understand their diverse cultures and our place in the world?
