Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Pop Tart or Evil Weapon of Mass Distruction?

Apparently Pop Tart filling also doubles as a molten hot weapon. I managed to burn the tips of two of my fingers fairly badly this morning with Strawberry Low-Fat Pop Tart filling. It hardened in like 2 seconds and I had to peel it off my fingers. These things need to come with a warning!


  1. Evil Weapon of Mass Destruction. I burn my tongue on them all the time. It's still not enough for me to stop eating them. I hope you heal fast!

  2. I haven't had a pop tart in years! They are so yummy. Worth the burn, maybe? Maybe?

  3. Ooh, they look so good, despite their evilness!
    Did you get to enjoy them at all?

  4. Oh I still ate the tasty deliciousness that is pop-tarts; I do have a blister on each finger today though-- nice!

  5. I don't consider it breakfast unless it has a multi coloured confetti top.

  6. yeah i just eat them cold 90% of the time.. or i toast for like 5 seconds just long enough to warm but not heat the filling, for that very reason.. usually cold though. poptarts are my running out the door late breakfast.

  7. I agree. I burn myself all the time on them but still insist that I need to eat them while they are piping hot.

  8. YES!!!! The days when I used to eat those things I was forever burning tongues and fingers!!!

  9. I just burnt mt 2 fingers this morning on the frosting (or at least i think it was the frosting, may have been filling leaking out... i don't really know. But they have blisters and are STILL burning almost 11 hours later! Oh, the pain... and they weren't even my poptarts... They were for my 9 yr old son! imagine if he would have taken them out of the toaster!
