Sunday, 23 November 2008

Poll: Our Front Door

So we got a new front door to our building a week or so ago and while it's nice I'm not to sure about the stained glass design. I have a theory on what it looks like, but what do y'all think?


  1. I like stained glass and love the look and finish of the wood.

  2. Does the stained glass design resemeble anything to you?

  3. Dirty mind girl! But I do tend to like stained glass..not sure about a front door though for security reasons.

  4. Your door has wood. Two lots of it. Hmmmmm.

  5. Ok I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds it phallic. Is it supposed to be a flower?

    As for security it is the door into our close. We still have a set of security doors and a front door to get into our flat.

  6. Very nice! The power of suggestion should make for keeping warm on the cold winter nights. Love the color of the wood with the stained glass - very pretty.
