Sunday, 14 December 2008

Competition: WWYD?

What would you do if you won £800 ($1200) in the lottery? Would you be responsible and pay off debts or have fun with it? A little of both?

I've noticed a lot of other blogs having competitions, so I will randomly choose one person who comments to win a lovely holiday ornament. Hopefully that encourages all the lurkers to come out and comment, too :)

*Contest closes Weds, December 17, 2008


  1. I'm not in debt so I can answer this one easily! I would blow it!

  2. I'm not in debt, but I would use it towards rent & deposit on a flat so we're finally out of the inlaws!

  3. I would give some to Gareth to spend on himself, buy James a toy or two, and spend the rest on going to the spa and hairdressers.... ah bliss! Oh, probably put some into savings.

  4. Doing our house renovations have been expensive, but we're not at all into debt due to it as we've been quite responsible. But it does mean that we don't have enough money to pay for all the furnishings that we want right now. So I'd use the £800 to buy hand crafted bookshelves that would work well in our study - the only places we have outlets are in the same areas we need bookshelves and so we 'need' hand crafted ones...but right now we'll either wait or cut holes in 'normal' ones from IKEA.

  5. Knowing me, I'd have good intentions and then well, the execution might lack. I'd spend some of it -- maybe up to a third. And then stick the other 2/3 toward my sadly-still-there Visa balance.

    Or, maybe put half toward the credit card, a third toward fun and the remainder into household savings.

    I know. I'm boring.

  6. I'd go and have a lovely long weekend city break with DH.

  7. I'd be boring and put it in savings so that we could buy a place.

  8. No debt, but this would pay for at least one huge, blowout, wine fueled meal at the nicest place in Prague... then the rest goes into the bank account to be used for normal, everyday things.
    Random story - I entered a blog contest at the morning of my wedding, and when we got back to the hotel that night, I had an email telling me I had won a $500 gift certificate!

  9. I would be using it to pay off the loan on my kitchen since the interest rate on it isn´t so great.

  10. We've recently run into unexpected expenditures like cross-country plane tickets for a funeral, and tree-removal, so I'd put the money in savings. There's comfort in knowing you can cover unanticipated expenses and just focus on the stress of your plans being messed up.

  11. I would give it all to my children :)

  12. I have debt - lots of it (thank you, Canadian-Ontario student loans), but I would use it to buy either a ticket home for Christmas or a ticket for my Mom to come have Christmas with me over here.

    yeah, I'm not going home for xmas this year :(

  13. I am having a Scottish Christmas as well. We take turns, but it still doesn't make it any less sad.
