Saturday, 20 December 2008

I'm a lumberjack & I'm okay.

Growing up my sister, Dad and I would drive out east towards Bethel, Ohio and cut down our Christmas tree. It was a fun filled day filled with hot chocolate, looking for the perfect tree (with enough space underneath for presents) and lunch at BJ's Lake where if the lake had water in it (it was drained sometimes) you could catch & cook your lunch; we never chose that option.

This year I was able to find a choose and cut Christmas tree farm here in Scotland, which is basically unheard of in the UK. We drove about an hour north to Wester Auchentroig farm on the boundary of the Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park near Buchlyvie.

NBH's Mom, NBH, Emma and I all made the journey a few weekend ago. I'm not sure who enjoyed it more Emma, who was a very, very dirty and tired girl afterwards or Arlene who has in her own words "the most perfect tree ever." Trees were £5 a foot and as our tree is taller than me, but not taller than NBH £25 is a steal!

Here are some photos from the day. There was some snow on the ground, but mostly just ice; still it was the only snow we've seen so far this year. Please ignore NBH's questionable mustache; it has since been shaved off and forgotten.


  1. Fantastic. My family used to do this too...I've already warned Roy that we will have a tree next year - though it might be fake as trees in London are way too expensive. Can't wait to see it decorated!

  2. I love how everyone is making sure there is enough rooom under the tree for the pressies!

    Can't wait to see it decorated!

  3. I love the last pic! Adorable. Enjoy your tree :)

  4. I'm sorry, I can't ignore it, it absolutely terrifies me. Never let him do that again.

    Do you remember that one time at BJ's when it was crowded and we had to sit with that old lady who CLEARLY had emphysema but told us she had been smoking since she was 9 and had no health problems... GROSS.

  5. Oooh I do remember! Nothing like eating with an absolute stranger coughing up a lougie on your fries.

    Part of me thinks we will drive past BJ's when we drive home from DC and part of me really wants to stop. Although I don't know how vegetarian friendly it will be :)

  6. oh wow! I wish I had done that! My family used to cut our own down too. My bf and I ended up paying £35 in Shawlands for one. Damn!

  7. Now I have the lumberjack song stuck in my head.

  8. Clearly that was one questionable moustache.
