Friday, 20 November 2009

Thank you Friday!

I was going to do a Thankful Thursday post, but our mobile Internet connection wasn't cooperating. I got two lovely packages this week for the bebe.
First were these super cute Etsy finds from Abby in Nottingham. Are the bibs and hat adorable? You have to love that they are all handmade, too!
Then I got a package from one of my oldest friends Dana in Cincinnati with all sorts of goodies, but as some of them were gender specific all I can show you is this cute baby sleeping bag and super soft frog soother.
The bebe's closet is starting to fill up! We are so lucky to have so many people thinking of us and being so generous!
Thank you!


  1. Glad you like everything! I buy the animal blankets for everyone now because Isaac adores his. He still sleeps with it.
