Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Delurking is Delovely...

Apparently last week was "De-Lurking Week" in the blogosphere and since I had a couple of questions already on C's birth story post and I think I'm *allowed* to be a week late since I've got a 3 week old, I'm giving it a go!

This the chance for those of you who don't post comments to come out of the lurking closet. So go ahead comment/ask questions and I will answer as honestly as I can :)

So go ahead, here's your chance, what do you wanna know about the Transatlantic Blonde? There are over well over 100 of you who follow someway or another, and who doesn't like being a bit nosy?


  1. I can't remember exactly which board I was on when I came across your blog, but I enjoy reading it and check often to see if you've posted!

    What's the best thing about living in another country?

    What do you miss the most about your original home?

    How did you cope with the anxiety of waiting to go into labor?

  2. erm, uh, eh......

    Hope this isn't too personal / controversial....

    here goes......

    will you be raising Callum as Jewish/ Catholic/ Agnostic? Will the wee dude have a bris? Will you raise him as Scottish - American? Do you think you will stay in the UK now that we have a wean? Will you find it strange that he will have an accent?

  3. Question: are you telling your son on a regular basis what a wonderful and amazing person his Aunt Alie is???????

  4. I don't have a question, just sending some love your way!


  5. Hello :)
    What was your fav part about being prengnant? and ur least fav?

    What's you fav thing about being a mommy so far?

  6. Where did you get that awesome bagpipe with menorah picture from? What is it like being a Jew in Scotland?

  7. If you were a tree, what kind would you be?

    Where do you see yourself in five years?

    If a train were heading to Cleveland at 40 mph… ;)

  8. Is Motherhood what you expected it to be?

  9. Not sure i have congratulated you on the birth of your son yet, i hope you are really enjoying these early days.

    My question i guess would be how are you handling all the recent changes? Is it what you thought it would be?
