Monday, 31 May 2010

Bummed about Glasgow

I love Glasgow; I've lived here for almost 6 years now and love the people, shops, restaurants, you name it. However, Glasgow has me seriously confused right now.

I'm sure y'all have seen ads for the new Reebok Easytone shoes that help you firm your legs and bum with balance ball technology. Well apparently their ads are too racy to be advertise on the side of Glasgow Black Taxis and Glasgow City Council have banned the ad. Say What?

This is a city that lets lapdancing clubs advertise on the sides of taxis, but a pair of bare legs and the word bum are indecent? I don't know about you, but that is CRAZY to me.

So myself and some other ladies decided to show Glasgow that Easytones and bare legs are not offensive and should be allowed. So here we are in front of Glasgow City Council in our Easytones: Moms, Teachers, Students, Business Owners--Women who want these shoes. What do you think? Are we horribly offensive and indecent? You tell me...


  1. is it the word "bum" or the ACTUAL picture of a bum that is offensive? I don't know about offensive but it sure is sexist (I know it's not cool to be a "feminist" these days but there, I said it).

  2. The bum doesn't appear on the taxi advert, just the word bum.

    I completely get what you mean, but I find it completely hypocritical that lapdancing and holiday companies with bikinis are okay, but bare legs are not....

  3. Things like that don't bother me. I grew up in NYC and have been bombarded with images like that on billboards, taxis, and news stands forever. People get their panties in a bunch for no reason.

  4. I thought Europe was supposed to be progressive?

  5. I think you girls should be the models for those shoes - much more believable!

  6. I laugh when I see the ad on TV, but only because my 2 year old starts telling me about the Bums on the TV. 'Look Daddy, Bums!', meanwhile my Hubby is already staring and drooling......

    Now imagine what he might say if they started advertising the lapdancing places on TV....mmmm... not sure I like that idea.
