Tuesday, 18 May 2010

C'est Moi

The Gallery: Week 12

This week's prompt is "Self-Portrait." Some of my favorite photos ever are the ones taken at arm's length. While I have some cute ones of Blondie Boy and myself I've taken that way, I'm going to be a purist here and post one of just myself and no one else.

I like that I'm wearing a Bengals jersey, because even though I live in Scotland and before that lived in DC, being a Cincinnati girl is part of what defines me. I can not wait to go home and for Blondie Boy to visit the Nasty 'Nati :)


  1. When are you coming home?

  2. What a great happy picture. Lovely. :0)

  3. What a gorgeous happy smile! Nice to 'meet' you!

  4. What a grin! Nice to meet you, I'm new to your blog and have to say you have just the cutest baby.

  5. Nice to meet you ;-)

    Thats such a lovely happy picture it made me smile too x

  6. Lovely smile, you are looking very happy ;)
