Friday, 14 May 2010

Vlog Interview

You may have noticed that vlogs seem to be all the rage on blogs right now. I thought I would take the plunge, but I had no idea what to say! My friend Stacia was in the same boat so we decided to "interview" each other; since we are 8 time zones apart, we sent each other the questions, so I guess it's more of a survey than an interview, but I digress.

NotBlondeHusband says my accent is all over the place, but I refuse to watch it because then I might not post it. Here it is in all it's glory; please go easy on me!

Untitled from Transatlantic Blonde on Vimeo.


  1. How fun to finally see you in action! :) I didn't think your accent was so crazy, except when you said "to be honest" near the end there. tee hee!

  2. You are so cute! I hate black currant too. Bring over some grape!

    I heard little bits of an accent creeping in, and a bit of Scottish/English phrasing and I loved it! You've been here for years, that's what happens! x

  3. Ok. Your accent is INSANE!

    You sound American, obviously, but also partly Northern Irish...?! How is that even possible? There are some words that are SPOT ON Norn Irish sounding!

    Also, you call pop "pop" as well? i thought you yanks called it "soda"?

  4. Jennifer, I've heard that before. I've been asked where in Ireland I'm from, how long I've been over from Belfast, etc. Once a lady told me "[she] could listen to N. Irish accents all day."

    And yes I say pop. I'm from Ohio and although I went to school on the east coast I refuse to say soda.

  5. You sounded great! The way you say 'here' is totally totally Scottish, I loved it! I've been here 3 years and don't even have a hint of an Irish accent. Vlogging looks fun - I should give it a try sometime! :)

    PS I don't know if you knew this or not, but your son is totally cute.

  6. I can hear a bit of Glaswegian creeping into that accent! Lovely! Excellent "first" vlog my'll be a pro in no time. Nice to learn more about you. And congrats on passing your driving test. I too drove "illegally" for about a year but took my test about 3 years ago so I wasn't AS illegal as you! ;) Happy driving and keep on vlogging!
    PS- I miss Target too!
    :) Karin

  7. There is no universal "yank" word for carbonated beverages, Jennifer. It varies widely by region. I grew up saying "soft drink," my parents grew up calling *everything* "coke," I moved to Minnesota where everyone said "pop," and I also lived in Wisconsin where everyone said "soda."

  8. Yay! Love, love, loved it!!! I do think your mixture of accents is way too cute. :) I will have mine up soon!

  9. Indeed there is no universal word for "soda" in America. For me it always has been and always will be "soda" despite what my British Beau tries to tell me. But what does he know about good soda? He drinks Dandelion & Burdock for heaven's sakes!

  10. Love it!! You too are so cute, congrats on getting your license.

  11. Awwww, your accent is adorable! I definitely hear the blend. :-)

  12. hahahah! you should hear my accent!

  13. hee hee your accent IS all over the place mine is Trini-Jamaican-Canadian and soon to be English...and my sister's is Trini-Jamaican-Canadian-Irish - so I completely understand where you're coming from!!!!

  14. Haha, your scottish/american accent is AMAZING!! (I bet you hear that all the time so, apologies!) I am so happy I found your blog, I'm also from Glasgow but living in France at the moment. Blondie boy is adorable...I especially love the pic of him in his kilt! What age is he now? In fact, I'm gonna have to go back and read your posts... hope you are enjoying my hometown! (p.s. glad you love irnbru, i'm craving some right now, thanks for that! ;))

  15. I really enjoyed your VLOG.
