Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Kinder by Nature

When I was asked if I'd like to try Jackson Reece Herbal Baby Wipes, I was really excited since Blondie Boy has eczema (I'll eventually get around to finishing the draft post I have on that) and really sensitive skin. I prefer to use the most natural things possible and well water and cotton balls don't cut it with this boy anymore!

The wipes are biodegradable, chlorine free and 99% of the ingredients are derived from vegetable or plant extracts like certified organic tea tree, aloe vera and lavender. I loved that there are no harsh chemicals, perfumes or potential irritants and was ready to test them out.

The wipes feel and smell lovely. I find some wipes are overly perfumed or too thin, but these smelled fresh and natural and got the job done. The only problem I had was that sometimes the wipes stuck together making it difficult to pull them apart when getting them out of the package if you had your hands busy.

Blondie Boy's bum has been rash and red free and had had no reactions to the wipes. If you are looking for an organic, all natural wipe that is environmentally friendly, this is definitely the product for you! The 72 wipe pack retails for £1.99, so it won't hurt your wallet, either.

Transatlantic Blonde was given this product to review.

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