Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Step by Step

Update!: Now you can enter to win won yourself! Click here.

Blondie Boy loves being mobile and holy crap can he get where he wants to go quick! He also loves to stand; any chance he gets he pulls up to stand. Since he loves to move and to stand I had a sneaking suspicion he'd love the Playskool Step Start Walk 'N Ride, a sturdy, stable walker that helps babies learn to stand and walk. It also converts to baby's first ride-on toy, with a locking mechanism only parents can activate and features hands-on activities in both modes.
He seriously loves this toy! He will sit and pull the lever, spin the wheels and open and close the trunk over and over. I like to hide little things in the trunk for him to find when he opens it up!

He isn't perfect at walking with it yet, but he will take a few steps and then drop to his knees to play with it some more. Everyday he is walking more and more with it, but he loves the rolling/spinning thing so much sometimes he leans forward to play with it and that thwarts his walking!

The Playskool Step Start Walk 'N Ride<> retails for £24.99, but Playskool is offering Transatlantic Blonde readers 50% cash back until October 21st! For terms and conditions and to download the appropriate forms please click through here! What will you get with your discount?

Transatlantic Blonde was provided this product for review.

1 comment:

  1. James has one of those walkers that he has outgrown, and he has really loved it. It was money very well spent.
