Friday, 11 February 2011

If you're Appy and you know it

If you follow me on twitter you'll have seen that my amazingly generous friend Allyson gave me her old iPhone! NotBlondeHusband has had one since shortly after Blondie Boy was born and since then I've pretty much coveted it! One of the best things about it is all the different apps you can get so I was super excited to try Annabel's Essential Guide To Feeding Your Baby & Toddler by Annabel Karmel!
Annabel Karmel is the UK's best-selling author of seventeen books on baby and children's food and nutrition. She is an expert in devising tasty and nutritious meals for children without the need for parents to spend hours in the kitchen. Y'all know that I'm meticulous about what Blondie Boy eats and love to make his food whenever possible so this app seemed right up my street!
First off the app is really stylish. I know that's a strange thing to say, but the graphics and layout are very chic which I found nice. Recipes are broken down into: first foods, 6-9 months, 9-12 months, toddlers and toddler desserts. Each recipe has gorgeous photos a list of ingredients, a summary and easy to follow step by step instructions.

It also has a shopping list so you can add recipes to the list and edit as needed which is very handy when you are out and in the shops trying to remember exactly how much of what you need!
There are loads of videos, articles and a planner to store your favourite recipes as well. The app is really easy to navigate and use. The only thing I would have liked to see was a search ability. So let's say you already have chicken or maybe your child is allergic to strawberries; it would be nice to be able to search for all recipes with chicken or all recipes without strawberries.

Annabel's Essential Guide to Feeding your Baby and Toddler is available from the iTunes store for £4.99

Transatlantic Blonde was provided this app to review.

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