Thursday, 28 April 2011

Tots 100 Guest Post

Today I've got a guest post over on the Tots 100!

The easiest way to explain why I’m not your average Mummy blogger is the fact that – whisper it –  I’m not actually a Mummy.

You see I’m a Mommy.

Not only am I a Mommy, but I am a Mommy who lives in Glasgow, Scotland: more than eight hours and 400 miles from London, where most blogging events seem to take place....

Read the rest here!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy reading your blog and I now live in Hamilton which isn't too far from Glasgow (moved up from Manchester), but I feel 'gutted' when I get phone calls and emails inviting me to blogger events in London when I'm all the way up north. Boohoo! x

    Hope you have settled in Glasgow, by the looks of it you have :) x
