Monday, 20 June 2011

CyberMummy 11 Meet & Greet

It's T-Minus 5 days until CyberMummy and I guess maybe it's time the #CyberMummyBirthdayGirl got her Meet and Greet post up. That's right I'll be celebrating my birthday with 400 friends I haven't yet met!

Name: Blondie (You'll have to meet me on the day for my real name)

Blog: Transatlantic Blonde

Twitter ID: @Melaina25

Height: 5' 3" ish

Hair: Long Blonde

Eyes: Blue

Likesreproductive rights, sexuality and health issues, scotland, zack morris, tattoos, chocolate chip pancakes, washington d.c., skyline chili, bagel sushi, krispy kreme, mountain dew & randomness

Dislikes:  Hate, right-wing propaganda, coriander (I'm allergic), sexism and oranges

I don't bite so if you see me on the day please come say hello or happy birthday if you prefer. You know you want to hear my transatlantic accent live and in person :)


  1. I've never known anyone allergic to coriander before. And I'm just off to google Zack Morris. See you Saturday. x

  2. I've met one other person before who was also allergic. It's a pain in the arse as it seems to be in EVERYTHING here!

  3. Totally with you on the chocolate chip pancakes... 

  4. I can remember the first time I'd ever seen them! We'd got dropped at a friend's house before school and their Mom had made them. Love at first sight :)

  5. Have a great time at Cybermummy. It's a fab time to have a birthday isn't it (mine's Friday)? :)

  6. Wow! Must make sure to catch you now you have reminded me it's your birthday and I missed out on Blogcamp x

  7. Yay can't wait to see you again. x

  8. Awww I love your dimples! I just have one on one cheek! ;)
    Well I hope you have the best birthday ever and I'll sure to be say hi if I bump into you - I'll be on the look out for those dimples heh! x

  9. Aww thank you! Please do come find me and say hi!
