Thursday, 21 July 2011

Double Stuff Oreo Lick Race: WIN a Flip 4GB HD Video Recorder!

As an American I grew up with Oreos and it's hard to believe they've only been in the UK for 3 years! Well not that hard to believe for me because I remember being crazy excited when I was able to find them in UK stores and I may or may have not squealed like a tweenage fan girl when I found Double Stuff Oreos at my grocery store and immediately tweeted a picture and then bought 4 packages just in case they weren't there next time. So I guess it's fair to say I freaking love Oreos. I regularly had Oreos and Oreo milkshakes throughout my pregnancy with Blondie Boy and while he hasn't tried them yet (they are egg free so he can eventually!) my Mom craved Oreos when pregnant with me so there must be a genetic link!

So when Oreo got in touch about their Double Stuff Oreo Lick Race I was really excited. Oreo is challenging families to upload their attempts to and be in with a chance of winning a VIP family trip to Florida. As an added incentive, for every video race uploaded to the website the brand will be donating £1 to the children’s charity, KidsOut who work with children affected by domestic violence. I'm on the Board of Glasgow Women's Aide so I know how much these children need this kind of service.

Entering is easy:

Using a glass of milk and an Oreo cookie, the Lick Race gets two family members competing to finish their Oreo first by following these six, simple steps:

Twist. Lick. Show. Dunk. Eat. Drink. 

First you twist, then you lick the creme filling, then once you have shown the “clean” cookie to your opponent, you dunk it in cold milk. Next you eat the cookie and finally, you drink your milk.

Upload your video before July 31st for a chance to win or if you'd rather be a spectator you can take your chance and enter for daily prizes like a Nintendo Wii just by watching!

I'm going out with some of my friends tomorrow and I'm going to have her 6 year old challenge me since Blondie Boy is still a bit too small. No offense to Aedan but I'm pretty sure I have this race all locked up! Who will you race against?

To help you make a video of your race to prove your are the UK's "Most Entertaining Lick Racers" I have an Oreo goodie box with everything you'll need including: Oreos, two rainbow glasses, badges and (wait for it) A FLIP 4GB HD VIDEO CAMERA (with tripod)!

To enter:
Follow my Blog publicly (link on right sidebar) and comment how you eat your Oreos! Do you eat it whole, cream first, dunk or something else? (mandatory)

Extra Entries:
-Follow me on Twitter and tweet "I entered to win an @Oreo #TwistLickDunk Goodie Box with @Melaina25 and! You can too! comment to let me know (1 extra entry)
-Check out Oreos on Facebook and comment to let me know which recipe you'd most like to try (1 extra entry)

Make sure to leave each entry in a separate comment.
All entries will be verified and deleted if not valid so make sure to leave the usernames you subscribe or tweet with.

Open to UK residents over 18 only. A winner will be drawn at random on July 28th at 12:00 GMT. Winners must contact me within 48 hours or another winner will be drawn. GOOD LUCK!  CLOSED
Transatlantic Blonde was provided an Oreo Goodie Box but view and opinions are my own.


  1. I split the biscuit in two halves and lick of the cream before I start eating the biscuits themselves.

    I'm following as @caro_mad x

  2. I've also retweeted as @caro_mad x

  3. @Carolin needaphone I have tweeted

  4. @needaphone I love' d to try the Oreso's milk shake that I saw on their facebook page

  5. Totally tweeted that shiznit

  6. I want some cheesecake bites. Stat.

  7. Oh, frick! I eat them whole. Pulling them apart is too futzy for me. I like to dunk them in soy milk, but I'll just down a whole sleeve without it if I have to. No problem!

  8. Have you ever made Oreo Truffles? One word: AMAZEBALLS.

  9. I eat mine slowly and carefully... Kyd just shoves it in... and the Hoff licks it out... make of that what you will!!

  10. I have Tweeted @Baillie_MyLife

  11. And I am also a fan of the double creams.... And have checked out the Oreo FB By Alice Guru Baillie... (don't ask the Guru was a dare that has stuck...)

  12. I twist off and eat half the cookie dipped in milk and then eat off the half the cream, repeat the dunking with the other cookie half and finish with the other half of the cream. How do you like them apples?

  13. What recipe would you try to make with them?

  14. Well we already do the Milkshake so I'm going to pick that (also good with Baileys)... But We have sort of made our own 'Oreo Bomb' It's a little bit naughty and a lot bit nice... we've just made oreo muffins for the sports Day  picnic tomorrow.... I like to experiment lol

  15. Biscuit!  It's a freaking cookie!  
    I too love Oreos and my mom ate a bag, the American size, not the lame British size the night I was born.  

  16. I forgot to mention HOW I eat my Oreos.  To be honest it depends.  Sometimes I eat them whole, then I will eat the next one by pulling it apart and linking the cream.  I don't like to tie myself down to one eating option.  

  17. My kiddo loves Oreo's. Would it be bad if I admitted that I would love to just leave him alone with the packet and have half an hour of peace? We all twist it, eat the middle and then the biscuits, and then down the milk... mmmm Oreos. Oh, and I alreday follow.

  18. Oh I totally call it a cookie; biscuits are delicious but something sausage is served on :)

  19. OMG! I just went onto the Oreo FB page and they have a recipe for Oreo Milkshakes. Guess I will be making a trip to Tesco tomorrow for Oreo's.

  20. I often (read EVERY DAY) had Oreo milkshakes when I was pregnant with Blondie Boy :)

  21. Following...I twist and then scrape off with my two front teeth :-)

  22. Oreo Cheesecake Bites - I love Oreo's and I love cheesecake....NOM NOM!

  23. You HAVE to try Oreo Truffles then. They are AMAZING!

  24. An Oreo has to be soaked in milk before I can fully enjoy it. There is nothing like dunking a whole Oreo in cold milk. I also love to use Oreos in recipes, but let's face it, it's easier to just stand in the kitchen, hovering over a glass of milk and a stack of cookies.

  25. Just checked out Oreo's facebook page. I love the idea of Oreo cheesecake bites. I've used Oreos as the base to a cheesecake (with all the cream scrapped out and the chocolate cookies crushed) but these bites seem easier and also more appropriate to eat yourself! There's something not quite comfortable about digging into a whole cheesecake on your own.

  26. I' amready following with GFC. I lick the ceam out - but s-l-o-w-ly so I'd be no good ina race!

  27. Following you on Twitter and have tweeted @janesgrapevine

  28. The Chocolate Cream Pie looks amazing. I'm going to theStateside Candy Store today so I'll look out for the Jell-O pudding mix as we don't really have a UK substitute

  29. Mmmm Oreos yummy!
    Fab competition
    I am following your blog :-)
    I break my Oreos in half and lick off the cream, no dunking for me!

    Mellissa Williams

  30. Type your comment here.I am following you on twitter and I have tweeted for you!


  31. I fancy the chocolate cream pie too. Following Oreos on Facebook.... How was I not before?

    My son LOVES Oreos

    Good luck everyone xxxx thanks for running a super competition xxx

  32. All in one, mainly so my daughter doesn't see me eating them...

  33. I eat them whole. Pulling them apart is too lick for me. I like to dunk them in milk, but I'll just down a whole packet . No problem! Oreo Cheesecake Bites looks amazing.

  34. Following you on Twitter and have tweeted @handbag2000  

  35. I' am ready following with GFC

  36. Wow I am quite ashamed to say that I put the whole thing in at once :O
    Thanks for the super-duper giveaway!

  37. I am now following you on Twitter, and I have tweeted about your competition :)

  38. following on twitter as @dillydondallie

  39. i have tweeted as @dillydondallie

  40. I have liked the Oreo Facebook page, and I already love oreo milkshakes, so I think I would try these, they sound deliciously more-ish!OREO Cheesecake Bites 

  41. I would like to try Oreo Cheesecake Bites

  42. I crumble my Orio's and eat them with ice cream


  43. I've tweeted too - @philibaldi

  44. I take them apart and eat the cream.  @beachrambler 

  45. I already follow on Twitter and have tweeted as @beachrambler 

  46. The Oreo Celebration Cake looks like it would be fun to make.

  47. Hey!

    I have tweeted you @billyboychrisd

  48. You would totally love an Oreo milkshake then!

  49. I follow via GFC (kittysclearance) 
    I eat the cream first, then the biscuit.

  50. Follow via GFC. Like to eat Oreos whole.

  51. Follow me on Twitter and tweet "I entered to win an @Oreo #TwistLickDunk Goodie Box with @Melaina25 and!  - done @clairew137

  52. Check out Oreos on Facebook and comment to let me know which recipe you'd most like to try - done. Would like to try Oreo Cheesecake Bites

  53. i follow already as mummy24! i dunk mine in my tea!

  54. i have tweeted as @ashlallan

  55. I take the top biscuit off, eat that and then scrape all the cream off with my teeth, before eating the other half. They're too good to dunk!

  56. I am already a follower on GFC. I eat my Oreos by twisting apart, eat the piece without cream, them dunk the creamy half in my tea and eat it.

  57. I have liked the Oreo facebook page, my favourite recipe is OREO® Ice Cream Tartufo, it looks delicious   

  58. Have tweeted - (bev_metallica)

  59. I eat the biscuit and the little one eats the cream!

  60. I eat them in two big bites!!!

  61. I can see why everyone seems to plump for the cheesecake bites.....very nice!

  62. I am following your blog as mandyjhardy.
    I eat the top half first, then lick the cream off and lastly eat the bottom half!

  63. Following you on twitter as @lowie131 and have tweeted the competition sentence.

  64. The Oreo recipe I would like to try is the Chocolate-Caramel Creme Pie. This looks absolutely scrumptious! 

  65. Following via google friend connect. I love dunking mine into milk...yum

  66. Have subscribed to blog. Okay, confession: I have NEVER eaten an Oreo, I don't think I've seen them in the shops around where I live. But it's a situation I aim to change....will be looking out for them the next time I go shopping.

  67. Tweeted the message as Foster_Cats

  68. Strawberry Whipped Sensation looks lush and totally floats my boat. Liked on FB.

  69. I follow your blog via GFC as Angela M.  I like to dunk mine in a cup of tea and nibble.


  70. I am following and have tweeted too @daisyangel1 

  71. I usually eat each piece  of Oreo separately, cream first
    I follow your blog via GFC ( as Bartek K )


  72. I am following on twitter, I tweeted   @mojkubus

  73. I have liked Oreo on FB . I would like to try Chocolate-Caramel Creme Pie - looks very tasty :)

  74. Oreos recipe I'd like to try is the Frozen Chocolate Squares

  75. Followed you and I eat my oreos very very quickly so my toddler can't steal them!

  76. I`ve followed the blog @relisys222.  I always dunk my oreos in milk ...yum! Xx

  77. I`ve followed you and tweeted @relisys222

  78. Chocolate-Caramel Creme Pie - looks great relisys222

  79. I tend to munch them straight from the pack, not really paying attention, then panic when I realise I've gone through a whole pack in 20 minutes 

  80. I have followed and tweeted

  81. I think the oreo peanut butter cheesecake looks pretty good (big fan of baked cheesecake)

  82. I am following your blog - great competition :) I twist and lick mine!

  83. I made a frozen peanut butter pie with an Oreo crust once that was AMAZING!

  84. I follow your blog on GFC (Emma Clarke).
    When I'm not breaking the Oreo sandwich in two, licking each side of the cookie clean, then ramming the two leftover pieces into my greedy fat gob, I'm breaking Oreos onto vanilla ice cream and enjoying them that way!

  85. Blondie Boy has broken into my Oreo stash not once, but TWICE today!

  86. If you are doing the Great Lick Race scraping with your teeth is cheating :)

  87. For an extra entry I follow @Melaina25 on Twitter and have tweeted a link to the giveaway @emma1111111

  88. OMG! You have to try them! You can get them at all the big grocery stores now :)

  89. I make Oreo Truffles (sorta cheesecakey) every December :)

  90. You give away the cream? That's the best part!

  91. For a third and final entry, I follow Oreos on FB and love the look of the Toasted Coconut-Golden OREO Cookie Balls recipe! @emma1111111

  92. Followed publicly and I like to eat them as often as possible, and prefarably nosh through a whole pack. yummy @stralisemiai 

  93. Tweeted your blog giveaway @stralisemiai

  94. I have to dunk - love that soggy texture. And how I eat them.... greedily! Subscribed to blog.  Followed publicly. Tweeted as @hgl2510 and now going over to FB. How techy am I beginning to get?? If I've not done any right, just give me a nudge, I'm a techno and comp novice x

  95. have tweeted, like the chessecake receipe for oreos

  96. Following your blog via Google Friend

    When I'm on my own I twist, lick and eat slowly to enjoy and savour every bite ... when I'm with the kids we're dunkers and gobblers lol <3

  97. I'd love to try the

    American Spirit OREO Cookie Balls recipe ... just think I'd need to hire a chef, boot him/her out the back door as soon as finished and do the huge dah dah reveal to very impressed family and friends lol xx

  98. I am following throught GFC
    I love to eat the cream in the middle first

  99. I am following and tweeted! @sophiejanem 

  100. The facebook recipe I would try is the Oreo Cheesecake bites look yummy!

  101. Liked.  I am a great cheesecake fan so would like to try that receipe.  Great prize

  102. I split in two eat, then  the side with least cream first saving most cream for last! I am following your blog. x

  103. I have sent the tweet and am following you on twitter!

  104. I have liked the Oreo facebook page. I would like to try to the Oreo cookie crab  because we are having a holiday by the sea at the moment and keep looking for crabs on the beach, this one would make an interesting change!  @annieanna24

  105. I'm boring - I've only ever had Oreo's once!! I did the "custard cream" method - bite top off, eat bottom half then eat top half".  Anyway - I suppose I'd better try again if I'm not doing it properly :-)

  106. I would try the Oreo Milkshake recipe as I love Milkshakes in the summer

  107. Facebook entry:  OMG Cheesecake!! Now!!

  108. I like to twist, lick and then dunk my oreos - its the only way to eat them.

    Thanks for the competition!

  109. I'd try Chocolate-caramel Creme Pie

  110. Scrape out cream with my teeth then scoff!

    Following on gfc

  111. Oreos make an amazing pie crust! I've used them for a frozen peanut butter pie before.

  112. I had Oreo Milkshakes daily during the summer when I was pregnant :)

  113. Only once?!?!? They are so good Blondie Boy literally gnawed his way through a closed tube to get to them :)

  114. My Mom used to make "Dirt cakes" with Oreos, chocolate Jello pudding and gummy worms! It was super tasty :)

  115. I like crushing them up and putting in a milkshake

  116. I split them and eat the cream first, then one side and then the other!

  117. I already follow you on twitter and have tweeted as @auroradreaming

  118. Like several people have said, the idea of cheesecake is just awesome and I would love some right now!!

  119. i like to split mine in half and eat the creamy side first

  120. Cream is the best part! That's why it's great Double Stuff Oreos are in the UK now :)

  121. Cream is the best part! That's why it's great Double Stuff Oreos are in the UK now :)

  122. I had Oreo milkshakes almost daily during the summer I was pregnant!

  123. I'm following on Twitter and have tweeted, @maisietoo

  124. I'm definitely a dunker!
    Follow with GFC as M.
    Twitter as @maisietoo

  125. Liked Oreos on facebook. I'd like to try Easy Oreo Truffles (only three ingredients!)

  126. Followed on twitter and tweeted your message @juliedee4663 

  127. I have to split it in half and then lick all the cream off before eating the biscuit

  128. Will definitely be trying the Oreo cheesecake bites - look really yummy

  129. I nibble the edges off, so there are no bits left without having cream in, then i eat what's left 'normally' - yum!

  130. Eat them whole - in two bites - following via GFC

  131. following and Tweeted as @CompCake 

  132. I want to try that has no calories, right?

  133. I have to say I have never had an oreo!  I already follow and will tweet

  134. looking at the recipes, I have no idea what an oreo tastes like!  I guess it would be a milk shake as the boys would drink it if I didn't like it!

  135. I seperate the two biscuits, lick the filling until its gone then dunk the biscuits before eating them :o)

  136. im following you
    i like to bite the chocolate off lick the inside and then eat the rest!

  137. I split them scrap the cream from the middle and then nibble the biscuits!

  138. I eat the biscuit first hanging from a tree branch upside down and then i eat the cream while diving into the local swimming pool!

  139. I follow & Have Tweeted @MrsPmt

  140. I tend to just nibble them and they must be accompanied by a cup of tea :)

  141. Nooooooo, I hate it when they discover 'stashes'!

  142. Followed you and tweeted the phrase 

  143. @needaphone I am following your blog. I eat my Oreos with my cat Rollie We dunk them in his cat milk...!
