Monday, 4 July 2011

Guest Post: Give us a Smile

Meet my friend Kelly from Our Silly Rodriguez Family and her adorable son Gabriel. I suspect that if Blondie Boy and Gabe met up they would get into ALL sorts of trouble and probably get away with it by flashing a cheeky smile. Kelly's asking you all to help give a child a smile; that's not too much to ask is it?

We are calling in our privilege card. We are asking you to join us in helping babies who weren't born into the same privilege as we were. And our babies were. Babies who were born in the third world. To parents who believe birth defects equate to being cursed. Babies who will be shunned, abandoned, or even killed for being born with a wide smile.

Kids who will grow up with speech problems, nutrition problems, social and emotional troubles....

We can help these babies.

Or at least one baby.

Let's do it.

This gorgeous boy changed my life.

This gorgeous boy was loved so fiercely by so many people as soon as he was born.
 I mean...

I dare you to not melt over that face. Double dog dare.

It was the only face I knew. The only face I adored. And before his repair I wept. I wept because I would be losing the face I had kissed endlessly. The face that changed my life in the most incredible way.

And it definitely changed his face. His smile was inhibited and tight for awhile. Surgery was rough.
 After we paid our $10 copay we were treated so kindly. And given the gift of time by "Dr. Magic Hands." And he waved his wand (as my mama says) and repair = done. At 3 months. Exceptionally well done.


His repair-a-versary is creeping up and we figured "hey, let's celebrate this."

Let's help just one kid get their new smile. $250. We can so do this.

 He has faith in us.

He knows we can do it.

The donations go straight to smile train. No money in my grubby hands. Just a quick, super simple donation. $1. $5. $20. Whatever. Every bit brings us one step closer to spreading some love, sharing some privilege.

Thank you for loving my boy and sharing this adventure with us. More than anything we are simply grateful.

If everyone who reads this post donates $2, $5 or $10 we could make a pretty significant difference in the life of a child. Let's make a difference.

Two weeks from today last year, we woke up at 4am. I had to lock myself in the bathroom to weep while Justin did his best to soothe a very hungry little Gabriel. He couldn't eat. We couldn't sleep. The house was buzzing with nervous energy.

I held this tiny guy, in a tiny hospital gown and passed him off...


And even in that moment, even feeling like I was losing a piece of myself when he was taken away, I was grateful.

Looking back, I cry with appreciation. Appreciation for all you that were praying with us and appreciation for the skilled hands of our surgeon. And the nurses. And anesthesiologist. And the vast amount of skilled, well trained and fabulous people caring for our sweet nugget.

The surgery that happened at almost exactly 3 months old. The surgery that improved his breathing. And eating. And health. And the surgery that allowed the cleft to never have a chance to affect him emotionally or socially. And be teased. Taunted. Shunned.

The surgery that so many children do not get.

We can change that for a child. Please donate.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, how precious.  You know, before I had a kid myself, I always felt so much toward any mom that had to go through surgery with their kid but in the back of my mind, I said - this is what's best for child so it's ok. Now that I have a kid and I see posts like these I can't imagine handing my little baby over to the surgeon no matter how amazing s/he is.  I'm so glad everything worked out so well!
