Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Coast Along for WaterAid

I have what you may call a mild obsession with the ocean. If we are going on holiday I want to be near a beach. Maybe it's because I grew up in a land-locked state where it was a good 12 hours at least to the the nearest ocean, but for whatever reason I'm just a happier person by the seaside.

This Saturday Blondie Boy, his Grandma and I will be walking along the Ayrshire coast from Troon to Irvine. I'm one of seven Coast Along Ambassadors who will be walking to help raise awareness and funds for Water Aid.

Why am I walking for Water Aid? Water is essential for life (duh), but one in eight of the world’s population do not have access to it and almost 40% of the world’s population do not have adequate sanitation. WaterAid is a leading independent organisation which, with its partners, uses practical, sustainable solutions to enable the world’s poorest people to gain access to safe water, improved hygiene and sanitation. 

So this Saturday I'll be tweeting and Instagramming my way along the Ayrshire coast. Blondie Boy's Grandma lives one block from part of the beach we will walk down but I haven't ever walked much further than our little stretch. I'm not exactly what you'd call an avid ambler but I'm looking forward to exploring the coast and thinking happy thoughts it doesn't rain. If women and children can walk an average of 6km to get water which is then most likely dirty and contaminated, I can walk 6 miles on a gorgeous stretch of sand.

I hope you'll follow all of us with the #CoastAlong hashtag on twitter and if you feel so inclined you can make a donation on my Just Giving page here


  1. Wow! What a great thing to be part of. I hope it's a major success. 

  2. Thank you! Make sure to follow the hashtag on the day :)

  3. You're one of my favourite activists sweetie - good for you - GO GIRL! x

  4. A brilliant cause and well done you. I shall look out for your tweets on your progress. 

  5. You have a beautiful family! Congratulation!

  6. Thanks Rosie! I wish I was with y'all but I'm sure we will all have a great day :)

  7. Good luck with your walk. We'll be doing ours down on the South Coast but will be thinking of you!

  8. That should be a great day out - I haven't been to Troon in years - hope the weathr stays good for you !
