Wednesday, 19 October 2011

What I Wore Wednesday

Normally I am the kind of woman who travels in a t-shirt and sweatpants that say Hello Kitty on the ass--classy, I know. I've always put comfort over style on planes but I as we didn't have seats together and I think airline staff tend to be nicer if you look nicer I decided to try and combine comfort and style. Of course this plan was thwarted as I couldn't find my leggings so I threw a bit of a concoction together. I know the pants don't tuck into my boots well but I didn't have any other option.

I hot rolled my hair the night before. We were leaving the house before 6:30am so showering the night before was essential. I took out the rollers and slept on it without picking out the curls. It meant my hair actually had a lot of volume the next day (can't tell from the photo) and when on the plane I twisted it up into a clip which meant when I shook it out  14 hours later my hair still looked surprisingly good.

I'm wearing a maternity top, no I'm not pregnant. I wanted a long, loose t-shirt that was baggy so in a pinch it totally worked. I don't normally wear maternity tops I promise. So here is what I wore!
Apologies for the crap shot in the middle of Frankie and Benny's at Glasgow Airport
Hot Rolled Hair- Spin Daily
Glasses- DKNY
Fearless Tiny Skull Studs- Dogeared
I heart Ohio necklace- Truche
Black T-shirt- Liz Lange
Black Kick Flare Pants- Express
Long Grey Cardigan- The Gap
Black Boots- Sketchers



  1. I loved my maternity tops because they were all a decent length! Wore them for ages after I had my son. Have a great trip.

  2. I think you look great - perfect airport chic in fact! Great idea of the link up Blondie - I can't wait to see what everyone else wore on Wednesday ;-) 

  3. Thank you for this idea!  I just discovered your blog and am really enjoying it! All the best with your travels!

  4. I did comment yesterday but I think Disqus must have eaten it! Grrr! I think you look fab - perfect airport chic in fact! Hope you had a good flight :-) 
