Wednesday, 8 February 2012

What I Wore Wednesday: Playground Chic

Okay so I'm going to be honest. This week I've looked a hot mess. I was sick the first half of the week, then Blondie Boy was sick and finally NotBlondeHusband got the crud. The three of us have been in some form of PJ's pretty much not stop. It has also been super cold and foggy so you wouldn't really want to leave the house anyway.

Today however was bright and sunny (but still really cold) so I took Blondie Boy up to Drumpellier Country Park to play on the playgrounds and see the water fowl. He loves slides and the playground had three different ones (plus two that were too big for him) for him to try out. So this week it not what I wore but what he wore; he's cuter to look at than me anyway :)

Knitted Skull Brimmed Hat- Old Navy
Pea Coat- Gap Outlet
Cable Knit Sweater- Next
Jeans- Gap
Skull Welly Boots- ASDA

I have no idea why one leg is tucked in and one is not; apparently my son thinks he's gangsta. I know I'm kinda copping out this week so here's a super cute video of him sliding down one of the slides! He started the whole "ready, steady, go" thing on his own but of course I had to prompt him once the camera came out :)

On a final note I'd like to ask if you link up that you please comment on at least two other linked posts; it can be this and another post or two other posts---basically I don't want this to just be a place to link I want it to be interactive. Plus it is just polite to say "hey" right?


  1. Such a cute little man! Glad you were able to get outside with him this week to play. :)

  2. I love his outfit so cute, and his little hat. A very handsome boy. Sorry you were sick, it sucks. I caught the virus that gave the girls croup and it sucks big time.

  3. thanks for the comment on my blog!  and I agree with your "rules"  I always go and check out other blogs and comment!  wednesdays are my favorite in the blogging world because I get to meet so many other bloggers through these what I wore link ups! : ) 

  4. Thanks so much for the linky!

  5. Thanks for the linky. Your little man is adorable.

  6. How precious is he?! My son would love playing with him...

  7. Love the leg caught in photo. I hate those rolling slide thingies.
    Loved your previous post of you close up as well. Thank you for hosting. I try to visit as many as possible. I keep the page open and click on a few as I find the time... It is so much fun.

  8. Very cute!

    Mary Ellen
    The Working Home Keeper

  9. Ha, lil gangster boy looks so cute... Sorry forgot to comment on you the lovely hostesses of the lovely linky, have gone and shared the commenting love roubd already and will continue to do so tomorrow.. I do love writing and receiving comments, its nice to share the love lol :D

  10. Yay my first time linking!  So excited!

  11. Your son is ADORABLE!  I love that hat and pea coat:)  He's a trendy little guy!  Thanks for hosting the link party:)  Stay Fashionable! Love,Candy

  12. Oh your little boy is too is my first time linking excited!

  13. oh, sorry!  i commented on some of the others, but forgot to comment here too.  my bad.
    i don't think i ever looked this stylish going to the playground.  gangsta leg or not.

  14. That's a great slide, I've never seen one like it!  Not so scary for the little ones.  I really like his hat!  I have a linky party for kids and would love for you to come link up :

  15. simply love that you refer to your little one as dressed up 'gangsta' style. he's too cute!  thanks so much for hosting another awesome party.

  16. Generally speaking only one of us can look cute at the same time and it is usually him :)

  17. I bet you aren't frightening at all! Congratulations on the new baby!

  18. There were so many different types of slides; it is a great park. Tried to link but got an error. Will try later :)

  19. Your son is sooo cute!
    ps. I always dress like a gangsta too lol jk

  20. He's a cutie! My daughter is always way better dressed that I am. And we totally had the crud this past week also! I was sick from last Thursday until today -- it was not fun. My daughter is 2 days behind...the poor thing!

  21. No worries! He looked cute I looked a hot mess!

  22. Thank you for hosting the party! Your little boy is adorable! Have a nice week.

  23. What else can you call one leg up, one leg down lol

  24. If he likes Cars, Duplo and Mickey Mouse they'd get on great!

  25. It is fun to make new friends right? Hmm might have everyone leave their twitter handles next week!

  26. It is great "meeting" new people!

  27. We are all good now thanks! We just each got sick in turn so it lasted ages. I'm obsessed with his hat--I want one of my own!

  28. I think BB will wear pretty much anything I put on him!

  29. I hate seeing him sick. He was a trooper though!

  30. I hate making rules but it is more fun if everyone says something :)

  31. Sunshine is rare this time of year!

  32. Thanks Susan! When are you linking up? ;)

  33. oops...It's late and I'm tired! 

  34. I'm kinda a hot mess too...forgot to link up! but I love BB in his playground gear, seriously he is just too cute. I can't believe how fast they are growing Little M is such a big boy now...Anyway, 

  35. Cutest little boy EVER and LOVE his outfit!  :)

  36. The lil' man is definitely stylin'! Love those wellies! Thanks so much for linking up to Monday Mingle!

  37. Looks like you got it to work :)  Thanks for linking up!!

  38. hiya, just discovered you via Very Busy Mama's site - I haven't linked, as having had a baby 2 weeks ago, it would be potentially frightening, but will get there.  Just wanted to comment and say cool idea, just my cup of tea!

  39. I love little boys in pea coats! So cute, but my four-year-old refused to ever wear one! Your son's so cute. Glad you were able to play despite the cold!

    Katie- Hems For

  40. Ugh. Sounds like you've had an awful week. Hope you're all on the mend now? As for Blondie Boy, well he is just as cute as a button! Absolutely love his hat ;-) 
