Thursday, 15 March 2012

Blog Life Balance-- What is that again?

NotBlondeHusband and I are back from our trip to Sweden and as you may or may not have noticed I didn't manage to get a What I Wore Wednesday post up. Before we left on our trip Blondie Boy was sick (the kid that never puked couldn't even keep a sip of water down) and it seems I took his bug to Sweden with me.

After an episode of epic puking by myself at 4am before we were due to fly home we decided I'd definitely picked up whatever he had. Flying sick sucks, but I made it home (despite not having my resident visa card with me--thanks for playing with Mommy's wallet BB!) puke free. NBH was great and after a day in bed I was back to normal.

However BB being sick, then our trip and me being sick meant I had to catch up on a lot of work and honestly I just haven't had time to go to the grocery or unload the dishwasher let alone blog. Last night I literally had the choice between getting a big chunk or work done or unloading the dishwasher and I chose work since I could watch Idol at the same time--priorities.

 I know that working from home while hanging out with a potty training toddler poses its own special time restraints but I'm just finding it hard to keep up. How do you find time to blog?

I do want to blog about our trip to Gothenburg especially as I found it really hard to find information from *real* people online before our trip and hopefully it won't take me too long to get around to it. Puking aside it was a great trip and I did enjoy getting to spend time just the two of us exploring a new place. Plus you really learn how much your husband loves you when he's cleaning your puke out of a blocked sink.


  1. I just don't really find the time - the time finds me and then everything else falls apart!

  2. oh dear sorry you were sick on your trip, but glad you managed to still have somewhat of an enjoyable time, As for the blog life balance, well thats easy... do nothing housework related and blog to your hearts content... oh no errmm, that doesn't actually work in the real world does it... errmmm I honestly have no idea!

  3. Glad that you still had a lovely time. Gothenburg is so beautiful and I really hope you got to soak it all in. If not, it's always worth a second or third visit - even if it is just for shopping ;)

  4. So pleased you had a nice time. You will get over all your illnesses and get back into the swing of things, it's hard though xx

  5. I have to do all my blogging at night. Days are impossible with Little M and even though I'm not working like you, you know it's non-stop. And my little guy doesn't nap, so I don't get a break. AT ALL. Good that you had some time away. Sorry about the puke :( xo

  6. Blondie Boy stopped naming at 15 months so I know what you mean. Night time I try to use for some work and most of all NBH time :(

  7. Restaurant Bruges

    great post i really love to read all yours posts dam amazing

  8. Silver Jewelry Jaipur
    really what a fantastic post i really like it a lot thank you so much for sharing this with us 

  9. finance managment tips
    it seems that u had a awesome time there feel really great to hear this 
