Sunday, 26 August 2012

Messy Play: Shaving Cream Painting

NotBlondeHusband has been working Sunday days so I've been trying to do something fun with Blondie Boy while he's at work. We've gone to to the park, made donut muffins and I decided to maybe try something artsy-craftsy and do some messy play painting.

I can't remember where I saw it but I saw someone do painting by mixing shaving cream and food colouring. I was a bit worried that food colouring would stain Blondie Boy's hands and my bathroom so I use washable paint  for our shaving cream paint instead. I used a muffin tin as a palette which worked really well; you won't need as much shaving cream as you think as it will expand and poof up as you mix the paint in with it.

shaving cream paint

I tend to do all painting and other messy play activities in the bathroom for easier clean-up but in this case Blondie Boy used the tub as his canvas, too. We started out with some paper but he had more fun painting the tiles which was fine with me. 

messy play toddler

 I told him he could paint anything he wanted except his hair. Guess what he did 2.5 seconds after I said that. Not a big deal really, just meant I had to wash his hair.

toddler paint hair

He had a great time making hand-prints on the wall and writing his name (it wasn't legible but he said the correct letters so it counts) and kept telling me how much fun he was having and how the shaving cream paint felt like ketchup. The only downside was that the tub got VERY slippy the more covered in paint he got so eventually we had to end so he didn't get hurt. I think he could have spent the rest of the evening painting if he hand't been slipping and sliding all over.

Clean up was as easy as spraying down the tub so can't complain there. We'll definitely be doing this one again since it was cheap, easy and fun. Do you have a favourite easy and cheap activity you like to do with toddlers?


  1. Cute activity for little ones! Thanks so much for linking up at I Gotta Create!
    <3 Christina

  2. We also played with shaving cream and paint this weekend, although we did so at the dining room table. In hindsight we should have started in the tub, oh well we certainly ended up there!

  3. Is this the same type of paint used at Vonnie's place? It looks great fun. I have never thought to make it though. Think I will. x

  4. Good idea doing it in the bathroom too.

  5. I'm just too lazy to clean up so all art gets done in the bathroom or outside :)

  6. It was super easy, cheap and fun :) You barely use any shaving cream either.

  7. Maybe? It is literally just some of NBH's shaving cream and some washable paint. Done!

  8. So FUN!! I should make some for my girls!!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!

  9. we love shaving cream at our house too, also comes in handy for rremoving food dye stains from your hands.

  10. Thanks for sharing this cute idea on Simple & Sweet Fridays. It looks like Blondie Boy was having fun using the paints!


  11. How fun! I wish I still had little ones.
    Thanks so much for sharing at Creative Thursday last week. I can’t wait to see what you link up this week. Have a great day

  12. Looks like so much fun! great to "meet" you and thanks for sharing on Craft Schooling Sunday!

  13. I love taking messy play to the bathtub, too. Such easy cleanup! Thanks for sharing at the Sunday Showcase. :)

  14. Such a great activity - I still haven't tried it yet!

    I've featured this on the Sunday showcase:
