Saturday, 1 June 2013

The Times They Are A-Changin

For the past two and a half years my office has been my couch; working from home wasn't always easy--juggling over 35 hours a week with a toddler was certainly interesting at times but we made it work. It's the whole reason I started What I Wore Wednesday because I needed a reason to get out of sweats while I worked away in my living room. My small business has grown from strength to strength and I've now gotten a new contract that will have me in an office 9-5 each day. It's only been a little over two weeks since I interviewed so it has all gone really fast!

I'm really looking forward to the new challenge this contract holds and we are very lucky that we don't need to increase Blondie Boy's days at school. NotBlonde Husband will take Mondays & Tuesdays off and work days Wednesday-Thursdays with family helping watch Blondie Boy the hour before and hour after school when NBH is working.

pretty pregnant woman
The last time I was in an office 9-5 I was 38 weeks pregnant with Blondie Boy so my work wardrobe is dated to say the least! I packed away so much stuff when I was pregnant and we moved and I guess now is the time to dig it all out. I was at my very skinniest before I got pregnant so I'm going to guess a lot of it won't fit and the rest is maternity clothes so I think a shopping trip might be in my new future!

I've been a WAHM and travelled for work as a Mom but I've never been a 9-5, in an office Mom. If I'm honest I'm not that worried about the Mom aspect of it--Blondie Boy is loves going to school and is old enough that I don't think I'm "missing out" on anything. Although I will be missing his school show this Thursday--NBH is on strict orders to take lots of photos and videos!  If you're a working Mom do you have any tips or advice? Do you find it any different to working as a woman without children?


  1. I have to admit there is a lack of flexibility in working in an office against working from home- sticking a load of washing in the machine and hanging it out, doing the school run in place of your lunch hour.
    But likewise, if you've got the ability to make it work from a home perspective, working in an office has an advantage (it can mean you bring less stress home), I find not having day-to-day relationships, and predominantly dealing with the team over the phone, isn't the same as having day to day banter, getting to know the person... I miss working in an office, but at the moment couldn't make it work.
    It sounds as though it's going to work for you, and be a fantastic opportunity. Sending lots of good wishes for this new chapter.

  2. I work from home so not sure I can offer any advice but what Debbie says makes lots of sense. I suppose staying on top of everything is the most important in this situation. I really wanted to say congratulations and enjoy!

  3. Wow, congrats on the new contract, sounds really exciting! Juggling an office job with parenting is tough, but it sounds like you've got great support and help in place, which is the thing you need most. Good luck!

  4. Part of the reason I didn't go back after maternity leave in 2010 and went freelance was because my office wouldn't consider flexible working or working from home. Being able to run errands when you need and take the boy to/from school was nice but I think it will also be nice to not have to work 365 days a year at all hours. I've worked through every vacation the past three years!

  5. Thanks! The only thing I (barely) keep on top of now is the dishwasher so laundry piling up is nothing new lol.

  6. Thanks! I guess there is no way to really know how things will go until I'm actually doing it!

  7. I'm due to go back to work In August and I am excited by it and dreading it, first baby and all that. So no tips, but i'll be checking back to see if anyone else has any!

  8. Is there anything specific you are worried about?

  9. Good luck and congratulations!

    I was worried about whether working would alter my relationship with my children but I found that the break was good for all of us. I also worried how I would get three people ready to leave the house by 7.30 each morning but as long as you get out clothes the night before you can have everyone fed, washed and dressed within the hour.

    Organisation is the key, that and a sense of humour for when things don't go to plan!

  10. I think I'm really lucky that, at least for now, I only have to worry about getting myself ready in the morning! I used to put my make-up on on the bus back in the day--not sure if I will do that again or not :)

  11. Hell yeah, been there! I always put my lipstick on in the car though ;)

  12. When I have an early flight to London I straighten my hair at the gate, put in my contacts after take-off and put on my make-up on the Express train :)

  13. Congratulations to you! I've always been a WM (bar mat leaves, of course), and I found that it was much easier the second time around because I was more prepared practically and emotionally for leaving the tinies. I think preparation is key - make sure everyone has chatted about the change; lay out everyone's outfits and lunches and your handbag the night before; manage your manager's expectations - be clear that you leave work at a specific time but are still available and committed and can work late from work if need be; and rant. A lot. Here. Because that's what it's for, right? It sounds like you have an amazing set up with your family and NBH - wish you masses of luck, it'll be great! xx from Mama and More

  14. Huge congratulation lovely and you will do great. It's hugely different working when you have children to when you don't. It's hard to fit all the things in you need to do like cleaning, shopping, etc and spend time with the children on your day off. But you'll do it. Enjoy and good luck x

  15. Congrats, that's great news. I am really lucky that although I am 37.5 hours a week I have some flexibility round my hours and make it work for us. I weigh up all the things I am invited to or that are on at school and prioritise them. Miss B knows that we can't go to everything but we go to the really important events, I want her to have a good work ethic when she is older and knows that you have to work hard for what you have. Good luck and I'm sure it will all work out well :)

  16. Good luck. I found office working around children challenging, but there were positives to it too. It was possible to be far more work me and home me separately when there was an office involved. Would love to hear what you're doing.

  17. I thought this was a pregnancy announcement at first, you look amazing in that photo. Congratulations and good luck with your new job x

  18. Thank you! Luckily I don't have to worry about packed lunches or clothes for the boy just yet. I think I'd be rubbish at that lol!

  19. Thank you. I struggle to find time for all of that now so my house might get even more of a disaster!

  20. BB's Grandma is going to his show instead of me and I think he is more excited about that!

  21. Thank you. I think it will be nice to have a job that is 9-5 and I don't have to worry about at night or on the weekends or when I'm on holiday....etc. You're my Facebook friend right? I posted on there :)

  22. Yes I hid a pregnancy bump for 37 weeks lol.

  23. Yeah I get that. My Mum is a retired primary teacher so when she goes to things Miss B is extra excited to show her :) Just let yourself get settled in and then find the balance, I'm sure it will all work out for you


  24. ha! I meant more in a 'this will be happening again' kind of way ;-)

  25. Luckily they know what causes that condition and how to prevent it :)

  26. Woohooo congrats! That's great news. Just seen your first day outfit, you looked fab - love the dress.

  27. Thanks Gill! It's going to be a big change and challenge but I think there are huge professional development opportunities for me and I'm excited!
