Friday 13 June 2014

Bump Watch 2014: 24 weeks

I survived my second week of commuting to and from Edinburgh. It is pretty draining and, I won't lie, I take off my shoes and put my feet up on the train home but it's not soul destroying. We are still nowhere near having an agreed upon name but I guess we have 15 weeks until we figure that out! A lot of the names we'd discussed last time are too popular now, we just don't like any more or just don't work. Searching for baby names online is interesting because I swear so many of them make up the name's origins and meaning!

*How far along?: 24 weeks
*How big is baby?: A cantaloupe. Now I want a wedge of cantaloupe with some salt sprinkled on it. 
*Maternity clothes?: Yes, but this dress is not maternity. This is a Land's End dress my Mom sent me last year but it was a bit big in the bust and body. Massive pregnancy boobs and bump means it fits now though!
*Sleep?: I'm so exhausted from my commute Monday-Wednesday I sleep really well the second half of the week.
*Best moment this week?: My Mom booked her flights to come in September!
*Movement?: Yes; getting movement at other times of the day rather than just at night.
*Food cravings?: Lemons and salts. If I could have margaritas I'd be rocking out.
*Labor signs?: No
*Belly button in or out?: Innie, but much shallower; you can see that my belly button ring isn't actually a belly button piercing but a stomach piercing. What you say? See apparently when I was a baby the upper lip of my belly button got infected and was cauterized off except no one told me this until AFTER I got my belly button pierced and discovered it's really just a dermal stomach piercing. Luckily my stomach isn't flat and you can't really tell.
*What I miss: Antihistamines. I have some allergy medicine from the GP but it really isn't as good as the real stuff. I think just the tail end of my chest infection and my allergies combined are not fun.
*What I'm looking forward to: We leave for France on Wednesday!
*Milestone: First bebe inconvenience. NotBlondeHusband ordered Still Game tickets last year and they arrived today---for bebe #2's birthday. Guess he won't be making that show. 

If you like to compare/contrast here is Blondie Boy's 24 week update & bump pic.

Let's be friends! Find me here:


  1. what a nice and round bump) i just hate myself on pictures and never took any of myself in early stages, i know i will regret it

  2. I started take bump photos much later than I did last time but whatcha going to do! I think how you stand makes a big difference--totally side on I look MASSIVE but slightly at the side I can deal with :)

  3. Love that dress on you, and your bump looks adorable :)

    Away From The Blue

  4. Thank you! I'm glad I kept it when it was too big :)

  5. Aw you look amazing hun!! Have an amazing time in France!! :)

    Lianne | TheBrunetteSays...

  6. You're sweet! I can't wait for France although it just took me 30 minutes to shave me legs :-/

  7. You are looking gorgeous! We will get the margaritas lined up for later ;)

  8. I might have to make some virgin margaritas :)

  9. You're properly blooming! I love that dress - such a cute colour. And ah, margaritas... mmmmmm. Thanks for linking up to the #BlogBumpClub again. We're pretty much exactly at the same stage along so it's really interesting to read someone else's pregnancy experiences as they go through it at the same stage! x

  10. It's good to have a bump buddy :)

  11. ah the name debate! My husband and I never agree. He knows my choice if we have a boy and after vetoing for the last 4 pregnancies has finally agreed we can use it if he doesn't come up with anything better. He won't. You're looking fab by the way! x x

  12. We only had one name for Blondie Boy so it was never an issue! This is so much harder!

  13. Finding a baby name is no easy task... we were just there, debating names as well!

    You look great!!!

    Xx Kelly

  14. Baby names are no fun to decide on..Mr G keeps pointing out what baby *might* end up being called at school.. eurgh!
