Friday, 4 July 2014

Bump Watch 2014: 27 Weeks

Nothing too exciting to really recap this week. Although I have found out that Blondie Boy has thought it made sense to share with his teachers and friends that Mommy has a sore pelvis. So that's fun having his teachers ask how I'm feeling when I pick him up! We had two nice-ish days and now it's cold and wet again so no 4th of July BBQ for us today. Blondie Boy also has a cough and a fever even though he says he "feels fine" so nothing crazy for us.

We did get a lovely package from my sister with patriotic stickers, tattoos and sunglasses yesterday just in time for today so we will have some low key celebrations. We'll watch the World Cup and play Trivial Pursuit and hopefully some patriotic baking.

My leg has gone numb three times since Sunday so I called back up the maternity physio since I thought maybe my pelvis popped out of place again. Apparently my leg going numb is "not that worrying" but I beg to differ. I can call them back if my mobility is severely affected. I get they are busy but I'd rather not wait until I literally can't walk but I guess I don't have a choice!

*How far along?: 27 weeks
*How big is baby?: A rutabaga. What is a rutabaga? Has anyone ever eaten one?
*Maternity clothes?: Yes.
*Sleep?: Sleeping mostly okay.
*Best moment this week?: Had super yummy Thai food with NotBlondeHusband on Sunday just the two of us.
*Movement?: Yup. The other night Emma dog randomly came and sat and put her paw on my belly.
*Food cravings?: Hot fudge sundaes.
*Labor signs?: No
*Belly button in or out?: Innie but considering removing my belly bar but then I'll have two holes/scars on my stomach and not like anyone sees my stomach but that's obviously bugging me.
*What I miss: Not feeling like I have to pee 24/7. I've managed to pick up another UTI so I feel like I have to pee really bad; hopefully antibiotics kick in soon.
*What I'm looking forward to: Making fruit pizza for the 4th of July tonight.
*Milestone: None I can think of?

Happy 4th of July!

Like to compare? Here's Blondie Boy's 27 week update.

Let's be friends! Find me here:


  1. Happy 4th July - he looks so cute and I love the sunglasses! And no I have no idea what a rutabaga is either and unless it's called something else in the UK I'm pretty certain I've never eaten one! The bump looks fantastic though regardless of the appropriate vegetable comparison!

  2. I've done some googling--English would call it a Swede and Scottish would call it a turnip apparently!

  3. Belated happy 4th July! Love the top you're wearing in the pic in this post by the way - looks gorgeous! Sorry to hear you've been struggling with the numb leg and sore pelvis. I hope the physio sorts it out and you get seen. Being pregnant is hard enough, let alone looking after another child / working AND having discomfort on top of that too. Rest up when you can - easier said than done though, I know. Lovely to see you on #BlogBumpClub again. Our due dates must be very close together!

  4. You're looking fab! I'm so sorry you're still suffering and in pain though. I hope you get some relief soon x x x x

  5. Having a 2 hour commute each way 3 days a week *probably* isn't helping things either :) I've been trying hot compresses at night and I've looked out my crutches just in case!

  6. Thanks; I think the only thing that stops SPD is having a baby :)

  7. Gosh, I do not miss that sensation of always feeling like I have to pee. It's so tough!

  8. It is not something I'm enjoying that is for sure! I *had* to buy a decaf frap at Starbucks because I needed to pee after I got off the train but before I got on the bus to work. I'd peed at the house before the one hour train and didn't have anything to drink on the way.

  9. You look amazing!! And that is so sweet that your pup cane and put her paw on your belly!

  10. Thanks Niki! I was like umm did this really just happen?
