Sunday, 26 October 2014

One Month

Age - one month

Weight - Okay I'm creeped out because I could have left Blondie Boy's update up! She was weighed last week and was 8lb 6oz--the EXACT SAME he was at the same time. Her cheeks are really starting to fill out so I'd suspect she's more.

Height - 19" at least that's what I put on her passport form 

Sleeping habit - If we time it right she's only up once a night, but I go to bed around midnight and am up between 7-8am. Not too shabby since I can go back to sleep when she does since BB is at school.

Eating habits - She feeds roughly every 3-4 hours sometimes less. To say she is a good eater would be an understatement. 

Favorite activity - Pooping or peeing right after you've finished cleaning her tuchus.

Milestones - There really aren't any the first month that I can think of--she has a belly button now does that count?

Firsts - She's had her first bath and multiple sink baths after that (see favorite activity). She also had her first sleepover at Grandma's house and her first road-trip to Edinburgh to renew her brother's passport.

If you like to compare/contrast here is Blondie Boy's 1 month update.

Let's be friends! Find me here:


  1. She is so cute. Haaahaaa at "favorite activity".
