Sunday, 10 April 2011

Birthdays a go go

My family is over run with April birthdays and today alone is the birthday of 2 different cousins, my step-sister and my Dad!

I hate being so far away from family on days like today but hopefully we'll be able to Skype later on today. Blondie Boy and I are going to play outside in the fabulous weather in their honour to celebrate!

Happy Birthday Grandpa! 

Happy Birthday Aunt Gin!


  1. Aww lovely! April is busy for birthday in our family too!! Happy Birthday to all x

  2. Aww it must be so hard to be away from family. But thankfully technology makes it a little easier. Happy Birthday to you all. x

  3. April birthdays rock! My family is also busy with birthdays, including mine. I'm new to your blog, it was recommended by Laura over at Yummy Mummy Flabby Tummy so I thought I would pop in to say hi.
