Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Wordless Wednesday (almost)

Do you think he needs a haircut? Obviously this isn't his real hair, just some fun we had playing dress-up. He was really interested in some HairUWear extensions I got so we broke out my old extensions to play with for fun.

We've been debating if Blondie Boy should get a trim or not. I've been asked before if I'm going to let his hair grow out like Kate Hudson, Celine Dion or Cindy Crawford let their boys' hair. Honestly, I like longer hair on little boys. It makes me sad to see little boys with stars shaved into the sides of their heads.  Will Blondie Boy have hair past his shoulders? No; I don't see that being very practical, but he's got pretty hair and I'm not giving him a buzz cut anytime soon.


  1. He is gorgeous no matter the hat!

  2. At my daughter's school there's a wonderful boy called Forest who has amazing long locks. It's so great that the school is cool with long hair on boys - it used to be very much the fashion hundreds of years ago (all the best Kings had pony tails even!).

  3. If you prefer it long then go for it! I have hair that's shoulder length and my fiancé has hair twice as long! I don't mind Alex having longish hair but if hair gets past his eyebrows I'll give it a trim.
