Wednesday, 30 January 2013

What I Wore Wednesday: Spike Embellished Sweater

So what happened to What I Wore Wednesday last week you ask? Tuesday I was down in London for a meeting at Google (are you on Google+? Follow Transatlantic Blonde so I can follow back!) and then I was too buys hanging out and kissing golden postboxes with Lizzie and Jacqui to get a post up Tuesday night.
Golden Postbox Marlow
To be fair the postboxes aren't to blame as I didn't bring my laptop with me down to England so I couldn't have posted anyway. I was in the office and out at meetings all day Wednesday and then my flight was delayed back to Glasgow from Heathrow and I didn't get home until almost 10pm at which point I decided to finish up some work and go to bed. So major apologies I didn't get What I Wore Wednesday up last week.

However I'm back! NBH and I haven't been able to get out just the two of us for a while now as my father-in-law and his wife are back in Thailand and my mother-in-law and her husband are on an 8 week retirement trip. Amazing for them but means we are severely lacking in babysitters! Luckily NBH's Aunt and her husband stepped up to the plate and watched Blondie Boy for us this evening so we could go out to dinner.

We went to the newly opened The Waterfront in Ayr. We'd been wanting to go for some time now and I'm glad we finally got the chance. It's right on the river so the terrace will be beautiful in the summer (just not quite now in the winter!) and only a short drive from my Mother-in-Law's house. I didn't get any photos of the starters because we scarfed them right down! NBH had a burger and I had the Fish Goujons both of which were super good and at only £5.95 for a main course (plus £3 for a starter) who can complain!

The Waterfront Ayr
Okay but enough about the food that's not why y'all are here. Let's talk about the clothes. Two weeks ago I went to a mall while Blondie Boy was at school. I've been looking for a sweater with embellished spike shoulders for a few months not but not found one I liked but hit the jackpot at HM. I shouldn't be shocked since the vast majority of my closet is HM! I wanted to wear it last week but I figured I'd probably set off the metal detector at the airport and that wouldn't be ideal!

Spike Top Leopard Heels
Spike Embellished Top

Spike Embellished Sweater- HM
Skinny Jeans-Old Navy
Leopard Heels- Dune

I'm so glad I found this sweater and it may not be everyone's cup of tea but it is very me!

I don't often talk about my makeup and hair (other than to complain) but I tried something different tonight. My Dad got me the Naked Palette from Urban Decay for Christmas so I used to dark brown shades on my eyes with a lighter more sparkly one in the crease. My Mom handed me down her Bobbi Brown Denim Gel Liner so I lined my eyes with that for a change from black liner. You can't really tell in the liner but I felt like the navy and brown helped my blue eyes pop.

I also have in fake hair. Yes I know you aren't supposed to admit it but whatever! I've been hating my hair lately; I'd planned to put it in hot rollers but while I packed up my roller clips, heat spray and hairspray I left the rollers at home! So I clipped in some hair extensions and voilà I have instant volume. I'm seriously tempted to get one put in semi-permanently. Have you ever had extensions? Good idea or bad idea?

What I Wore Wednesday

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Wednesday, 16 January 2013

What I Wore Wednesday: Asymmetric Studs, Spikes & Leopard

This Friday was my friend Julie's 30th birthday! Julie, who I went to see Guns N Roses with this summer, and I met when we were both waitresses at a now defunct restaurant and bar called Frankenstein's in Glasgow. It was a bit of a random place and we seriously had a GIANT Frankie monster that came out of the ceiling and sat up when we hit a button---I shit you not. Despite being random it was a fun place to work. I'm so glad Julie and I reconnected through Facebook and was super excited to help her celebrate her 30th!

We ended up at McPhabb's for £10 Prosecco (who could say no?) and some birthday shots! I honestly could not tell you the last time I had a shot so I stuck to one; I used to be the shot queen but not so much! We had a really lovely time chatting and Julie got a wee birthday cupcake from the staff, too!

I met up with NotBlondeHusband when he finished work instead of moving on to the next club so we could pick up Blondie Boy from my friend Jef's and head home. Even though it was a low key it was a great night and a psychic has told Julie she has to go to Amsterdam this year so we'll be looking for cheap flights to celebrate again!
I randomly went into River Island to shop for something to wear; it isn't somewhere I'd shopped before but they had a massive sale sign up and I figured what the heck. I ended up with this asymmetric black studded top with a external zipper back; it is actually meant to be quite baggy, but it is a size UK 8 which is a size I never even wore at my skinniest. I think it looks way cute fitted though so works for me AND it was only £10!

That is literally the best picture I have of my outfit. Yikes. You can't even tell I'm wearing my Booty Up HYH Pants (which I forgot how much I love) or anything else for that matter! So I've made a Polyvore again to hopefully show in a smidge more detail what I wore since somehow there is a halo in my photo. Is it a halo or a ghost or an aura? I have no idea but it's annoying. I was once told I had a yellow-white aura (so I could be a natural witch if I wanted to be) so maybe it is the latter. Anyway as always I digress!

Black Asymmetric Shoulder Stud Top-River Island
Spike Cluster Earrings-New Look
Spike Cluster Ring-New Look
Leopard Heels-Dune
Booty Up Bootcut Trousers-Hold Your Haunches
Studded Bag-Versace for HM

Have you been shopping the sales? 
Have you ever bought clothes that weren't actually your size but made them work anyway?

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Wednesday, 9 January 2013

What I Wore Wednesday: Birthday Dinner Out

This past week has been in a word: INSANE. Blondie Boy's birthday party was last Friday, followed the next day by his actual birthday and followed the following day by NBH's Mum's 60th Birthday/his sister's 30th. It was a birthday bonanza weekend!

I have no acceptable or even vaguely okay looking photos of myself from Blondie Boy's party or from his birthday lunch out. To be honest I didn't really wear anything exciting since it was a kid's party anyway. I did put an effort in to my outfit when we went out for Persian food for my SIL's birthday dinner on Sunday and in an even bigger twist of fate Blondie Boy and I BOTH looked cute at the same time (If you're a Mom you'll know this rarely happens--it's usually you or the kid--not both).

I'm not 100% on my skinny jeans with my ankle boots but I gave it a try to recreate the outfit I would have worn on New Year's Eve if we went out:

Sequin Top- Loft
Skinny Jeans-Old Navy
Ankle Boots- New Look
Blondie Boy
Skull Sweatshirt-Target
Plain Trousers-US Polo Association
Gym Shoes-Adidas
Fox Hat-ASDA

Blondie Boy has had these plaid pants forever but they've always been to big on him. They finally fit and I loved how they looked with his skull sweatshirt. A little preppy, a little punk and of course he through in his favourite fox hat for good measure.

I also tried out this thingy called a "donut quiff comb" I got at Claire's. I have no idea what it supposed to be used for but I used it like a "bump-it." My hair is really fine and obviously blonde and bump-its just don't stay put in my hair and you can see them through my hair so I thought maybe this quiff comb would work for a bit of volume when I pull my hair back.  Luckily for me it totally worked. You can't see it really in this photo but to me that is a good thing because I didn't want to look like Snooki!

Do you have any crazy gadgets or random techniques you use to make your hair cute?

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Wednesday, 2 January 2013

What I Wore Wednesday: 30/60th Birthday Party

Fair Isle Skulls

This past Friday was my Mother-in-Law's 60th and Sister-in-Law's 30th Birthday Party--they share a birthday, the day after Blondie Boy's (party was earlier to catch people home for holidays), so they shared a party, too! Blondie Boy's Auntie Jefy was nice enough to watch him so NotBlondeHusband and I could both attend since BB wouldn't be allowed in the pub after 8pm.

NBH wore the Fair Isle Skull Cardigan I got him for Christmas with some jeans but I didn't have as easy of a time picking out what I was going to wear. It was absolutely blowing a gale outside so a dress or skirt was out of the question.

At first I'd planned to wear my gold sequinned sweatshirt that I got over a year ago and still haven't worn but I wasn't 100% comfortable in it and then NBH said he liked a second top I tried on so I went with that.  The whole outfit was based around my new studded heels I got in the New Look sale for just £10!

Sequins and Studs

Sequin Embellished Sweater-New Look
Skinny Jeans-Old Navy

Nude Stud Heels

Studded Nude Heels-New Look

Skull Gem Eyes Pendant

How cool is this silver skull necklace NBH got me for Christmas? It has Tanzanite eyes as well even though somehow they look really washed out in this photo they are a light blue shade of Tanzanite.

Metallic Spike Ring

I got this spiky ring in the New Look sale too for just £1. I wasn't sure about it but I figured for £1 I could take the risk and I LOVE it! It's a bit over the top and only fits on my pinky but it is one of my new favourites!

We had a great night celebrating both birthdays and I managed to make it through the whole night without taking off my shoes or stabbing anyone with my ring :) I'm sure lots of you will be linking up New Year's Eve outfits this week but NBH was working so while I did have a play around with chalking my hair no fancy outfit for me! What did you do for New Year's Eve? Do you prefer to go out or stay in?

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PS: If you're in the UK you could win a SodaStream Drinks Maker in my latest competition!