Wednesday, 16 January 2013

What I Wore Wednesday: Asymmetric Studs, Spikes & Leopard

This Friday was my friend Julie's 30th birthday! Julie, who I went to see Guns N Roses with this summer, and I met when we were both waitresses at a now defunct restaurant and bar called Frankenstein's in Glasgow. It was a bit of a random place and we seriously had a GIANT Frankie monster that came out of the ceiling and sat up when we hit a button---I shit you not. Despite being random it was a fun place to work. I'm so glad Julie and I reconnected through Facebook and was super excited to help her celebrate her 30th!

We ended up at McPhabb's for £10 Prosecco (who could say no?) and some birthday shots! I honestly could not tell you the last time I had a shot so I stuck to one; I used to be the shot queen but not so much! We had a really lovely time chatting and Julie got a wee birthday cupcake from the staff, too!

I met up with NotBlondeHusband when he finished work instead of moving on to the next club so we could pick up Blondie Boy from my friend Jef's and head home. Even though it was a low key it was a great night and a psychic has told Julie she has to go to Amsterdam this year so we'll be looking for cheap flights to celebrate again!
I randomly went into River Island to shop for something to wear; it isn't somewhere I'd shopped before but they had a massive sale sign up and I figured what the heck. I ended up with this asymmetric black studded top with a external zipper back; it is actually meant to be quite baggy, but it is a size UK 8 which is a size I never even wore at my skinniest. I think it looks way cute fitted though so works for me AND it was only £10!

That is literally the best picture I have of my outfit. Yikes. You can't even tell I'm wearing my Booty Up HYH Pants (which I forgot how much I love) or anything else for that matter! So I've made a Polyvore again to hopefully show in a smidge more detail what I wore since somehow there is a halo in my photo. Is it a halo or a ghost or an aura? I have no idea but it's annoying. I was once told I had a yellow-white aura (so I could be a natural witch if I wanted to be) so maybe it is the latter. Anyway as always I digress!

Black Asymmetric Shoulder Stud Top-River Island
Spike Cluster Earrings-New Look
Spike Cluster Ring-New Look
Leopard Heels-Dune
Booty Up Bootcut Trousers-Hold Your Haunches
Studded Bag-Versace for HM

Have you been shopping the sales? 
Have you ever bought clothes that weren't actually your size but made them work anyway?

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