I wore my faux leather ponte dress again for work but again didn't snap a single photo. It's not exactly professional to ask a colleague to take a picture of your outfit and I was going to snap one in the hotel elevator but it was so dark in there it wouldn't have worked. I wore an oversized cream sweater with black leggings and my new spiky shoes yesterday but again, no photo.
I'm still in a bit of a funk about being stuck here; I've heard this afternoon that my application has been given a caseworker but security checks still have to happen and that could take 7 days. I'm not sure what other processes take place after that but it's good to know something is happening. I'm really grateful to my MP's office for helping out by phoning to find out what's going on (the general public can't).
I've been Facetiming with my Grandma and for the most part it has been great (especially the part where she asked my Mom how old I was and then insisted I only looked 28!) but it is also really hard to see her get upset and say she missed me or ask when I'm going to come and visit her. My Mom has told me there isn't much I can do and if I was there I'd be doing the same as FT but in person but it's still rough. I'd like to be there to help support her as much as to see my Grandma. Hopefully my application will be sorted soon but even once it's decided it could be another 20 days after that.
Tomorrow night I'm going to the Debenhams SS13 Show in Glasgow so that is something to look forward to and keep my mind off of things I really can't control. So since I am beyond rubbish this week I give you a photo a a little boy who's always styling:
Zip Hat-Gap Kids
Cincinnati Shirt-MiCA 12/v
Skinny Jeans- Marks and Spencer Indigo
I don't know who bought Blondie Boy these skinny jeans but they crack me up; he's such a skinamarink that even skinny jeans are a bit baggy on him. He definitely looks better in skinny jeans than I do! Are there any adult trends that you find funny on children?