Sunday, 26 May 2013

See you at BritMums Live!

I'm super excited that I will be attending BritMums Live this year thanks to my fabulously fizzy friends SodaStream! We loved partnering up with them earlier this year to review and give away a SodaStream so I'm super excited to be working with them again! So let's get to the Meet & Greet!

Name: Online I'm Blondie or Melaina25. It's fun to guess my real name just ask Kate who genuinely thought I might be called Randy or Tiffany (I'm neither).

Blog: Transatlantic Blonde (if you didn't know that and are here reading this wtf? Look up!)

Twitter ID: @Melaina25

Height: 5'3 1/2" (the half matters!)

Hair: Long Blonde 

Eyes: Blue

Is this your first blogging conference?: No this is at least my 5th depending on what counts as a conference! Look at the photo I posted on my Meet & Greet for the original CyberMummy--how tiny was Blondie Boy!

Are you attending both days?: Yup!

What are you most looking forward to at BritMums Live 2013?: Meeting friends old and new and I spied a feminist session that I can't wait to learn more about! I think Katy Piper will be a fab keynote, too. I've sorta fallen out of love with blogging for a number of reasons and I'm hoping to have my faith in blogging and blogging community restored.

What are you wearing?: Not sure yet but the pressure is on since I'm a Best Style Finalist in the BiBs! Eek! Chances are whatever I wear I'll have flip flops in my bag to swap into because that is how I roll!

What do you hope to gain from BritMums Live 2013?:

I really want to finally make a photography session; I've managed to miss one at every conference and I have no idea how to use my camera! I'd say new friends but I don't "hope" for that I know that will happen-yay!

Tell us one thing about you that not everyone knows: 

I was a child model from the age of 3-13; so the fact that I pose for every photo isn't *really* my fault! It might also be why Blondie Boy enjoys photo shoots so much :)

Eighties Child Model

Are you going? If you see me grab and say "hi!" I promise I don't bite unless you're holding a Krispy Kreme and then I might take one of your fingers off :) Two years ago I spent longer than comfortable staring at Cherry Healey trying to figure out how I knew her before I later realized I only *knew* her from TV so I'm sometimes hesitant to make the first move!


  1. I'm stupidly excited to meet you. You were one of the first blogs I started to follow and you're quite a "celebrity" to me so I apologise in advance if I giggle a lot x

  2. You're making me blush! Promise you'll physically grab me and giggle away :)

  3. Haha! I spent WEEKS trying to work out your name!

  4. Look forward to meeting you! I am useless at names so I'll be ok lol x

  5. Thank you for your comment on my BritMums Live post. It's lovely to 'meet' you virtually - hope to meet you for real at the conference :)

  6. Love the modeling picture! Have fun ;)

  7. If it makes you feel any better your guesses were really entertaining :)

  8. That's what name tags are for :)

  9. My Mom has a big binder full of them! You can also find me in the front of "You Can Paint" "You Can Draw" etc series of children's art books :)

  10. Can't wait to meet you - see you there!

  11. Less than a month to go! Be sure to find me :)

  12. Enjoy. Wish I was going. Can I give you a list of people to pass a hug on from me? ;) x

  13. You betcha! As long as they don't mind squeezy American hugs :)

  14. Thats fab that you're going! It's my first blogger event of any sort and I'll hopefully catch you there! x

  15. Hope to see you there. I'll fight you for the Kripsy Kremes!

  16. Ooh excited to see you again! How cute were you (still are) as a child model! Did you enjoy it. Oliver modelled at 6 months but made me uncomfortable. I don't mind if I'm directing and in control and he's happy though! I modelled at 14 but parents never told me when castings came up as they didn't approve! hehe!

  17. i look forward to meeting you there...hopefully, I'm not sure how I'll fit everything in to such a short time! So much to do/see and people to meet :-)

  18. We can have a support group for sons addicted to Cars :)

  19. Oh you'll have a great time! If you see me grab me :)

  20. I know exactly where the nearest Krispy Kreme is to The Brewery lol!

  21. Getting to dress up, have my hair done, I got to wear make-up and be the center of attention? I LOVED it! LOL

  22. It will be a whirlwind but it will be great! Lots of expats will be there too :)

  23. I'll be the one sitting next to you learning about Photography. I've never used a Soda Stream either so you will have to tell me all out them

  24. Oooh I lurve mine! I certainly will they are awesome :)

  25. i will try and pluck up the courage to say Hi!

  26. No courage needed!! I'm like the least scary person ever :)

  27. What a good idea, a certain way to make friends..take doughnuts - I'll be the one hunting down the Krispy Kreme's (or hiding them in my bag to eat later!). Either way, I'll be there with or without doughnuts!

  28. no way are you 5'3 1/2"! I'm 5'2" and last time I saw you I swear you were way taller than me! You tricked me! ;)

  29. Oh I don't share Krispy Kremes lol--I can tell you there is a KK store at Liverpool Station just a few blocks away from The Brewery :)

  30. Saying 5'3 1/2" is actually probably being overly generous! I had on 2-3" heels at both conferences last year :)

  31. Looking forward to seeing you there! Only one more sleep...

  32. Aww your modeling photo is so cute. Can't wait to meet you. We can speak German eeek :)
