"The Beauty Myth" was a ground breaking feminist work by Naomi Wolf that basically theorized beauty is entirely socially constructed and as women have gained increased social power and prominence, expected adherence to standards of physical beauty has grown stronger for women. What do think think about her hypothesis?
No matter what direction you go there is plenty to choose from to write about this week whether it's Pushy Parents (a spray tan at 5?) or how Hillary Clinton's image is constantly criticized.
As always the link will go live on Friday and then you can link, read, comment, share and get in on the Feminist Friday love.
The Feminist Friday Round-up

Here's how it works. Write a blog about being a feminist mom, raising a feminist child, a rant or anything that falls under the realm of the theme for the week. You don't have to be a mom or parent to participate. Come back and link your post and post the button on your blog.
That's it.
You don't even have to be a blogger to take part - just send me your post and I will publish it on my blog for you. You don't even have to include your name if you prefer.
When you've published it, come back on Friday and via a widget thing you can add a link to your post and share it with everyone. The link remains open for 4 days.
Visit others, comment if you like them or feel inspired by them. Just go out and encourage and support other feminist Moms.
The more support you give, the more you will get back! I can't wait to meet and interact with other feminist moms around the world!