To celebrate my blogoversary I think it makes the most sense to give a present not to myself but to my amazing readers--I wouldn't have accomplished all of this without your support! The traditional fifth anniversary gift is wood; no offence to trees but that's kinda boring. So instead I'm giving y'all the chance to choose your present! You could win your choice of £100 vouchers in my blogoversary giveaway!
If you read my blog you'll know I have a lot of different interests and cover a lot of different topics so I couldn't just choose one prize! All of the prize options give you a chance to win some of my favourite things! When you enter my 5th blogoversary giveaway you are entering for a chance to win your choice of:
£100 of Amazon vouchers or
£100 of ASOS vouchers or
£100 of SpaFinder vouchers or
£100 of Starbucks vouchers!
I dare you to tell me there isn't something there for everyone! What is there on Amazon you can't buy? I'm in love with all their American grocery items personally but then I also would love a mini shopping spree on ASOS or treat myself to some pampering with SpaFinder or feed my Frappuccino addiction with Starbucks. No matter what you choose I'll be jealous!
To enter leave a blog comment with which option you'd choose and what you'd buy with your vouchers and follow the instuctions on Rafflecopter. Competition ends Friday, July 19th (see widget for hours remaining). See Rafflecopter widget for full Terms and Conditions. OPEN WORLDWIDE! Vouchers will be issued to equivalent of £100 if you live outside of the UK.
Thank you to the friendly folks at Appliances Online for donating the prize! Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 – 200 of 839 Newer› Newest»I would get Amazon and I would spend them on getting myself some new perfume and I would add to my little boys collection of toys :)
I would go for the Starbucks vouchers. I mean who dosn't need coffee!
I'd choose the Amazon vouchers and I'd buy books. I'm an English expat stuck in Holland, and I regularly use Amazon to get my dose of reading material in English - not just for myself, but also for my children who we're raising bilingually. Somehow, I can't bring myself to go digital and get an e-reader for myself!
Happy Blogoversary!! I'd choose the Amazon vouchers so I could buy books guilt free! I'd probably start with Siege and Storm. I read the first one of the series and it's FAB!x
Happy Blogoversary! That's a mighty milestone right there and what a super prize. If I was lucky enough to win I'd so choose Amazon, I love it! x
Happy Blogoversary! I would choose the ASOS gift voucher. As I've left my job to do further training and head into the world of the self-employed, I'll have no money to buy new it'd be great to have a voucher to use!
I can't choose between Amazon and Starbucks! I'd love to win either :) Either a whole lotta books (thinking entire Game of Thrones collection) or a ton of amazing coffee!
Happy Blogoversary! I would love the Amazon vouchers xx
I think I'd go for the ASOS voucher and get some new summer clothes for all of us! Happy anniversary - 5 years is SOOO Long! I hope I go that long and beyond too. I've just done 2! :)
Happy 5th Birthday! I would chose the Amazon vouchers. I currently have about 50 items in my basket saved for later.
Happy 5th birthday! it will be amazon and starbucks.
Happy 5th bloggoversary! I'd pick the spa finder vouchers and treat myself to some pampering
Happy Birthday to the blog! :) I'd choose Asos - I have my eye on one jacket and one little black dress there :)
~Karina V
Happy 5th Bloggoversary! It goes so fast, I am only on my second year but wow has it gone quickly!! I would choose the Amazon Voucher because its means I could not only treat myself but hubbie and kiddies too! We are going to Florida later in the year so I would buy some goodies for that trip!
I would get the Amazon voucher and I would buy books
I think id go with the amazon voucher.....unusual choice for me because im always browsing ASOS but i really want some need CDS xxx
Amazon! Lots and lots of books!
Happy 5 Year Blogoversary. I'd choose Amazon as I need a new toaster and kettle.
Happy 5th Bloggoversary. I'd choose Amazon vouchers because I never get to the end of everything I would like to order from Amazon!
Hazel Rea - @beachrambler
I'd get Amazon vouchers and I'd buy birthday presents for people.
Five years! And I don't think you have been rambling by the way. This is tough, so many wonderful choices. But I think I would go with Amazon - so many options! But I would probably buy gifts for others.
I'd go for the Amazon vouchers as there are a few more items I still need to buy for the nursery.
I would like the Spafinder vouchers then I could have a nice relaxing spa day at Moddershall Oaks.
I would definitely choose the ASOS vouchers! I hardly ever get to buy new clothes for myself (somehow I always end up in the Next children's section.... weird that!) and I'm badly in need of new work clothes now I have a new job!! x
I would choose the Amazon vouchers and get some DVD box sets.
I have just found out about the ASOS curve so I would love the ASOS vouchers xx
I think I'd take the ASOS vouchers as I badly need some new clothes! I'd love to buy loads of DVDs though....hmmmm!
Happy blogoversary! 5 years is impressive :) I would go for the ASOS vouchers as I've still never bought anything from ASOS and feel the need to rectify this! xx
i would love to be able to go to starbucks whenever i want but i think i'd take the amazon instead to stock up on household items
Ooooh, Amazon. I'd love to buy a tablet for my holidays! Fantastic giveaway! ♥
amazon definitely, would love a treat for myself like a food processor
It's a toss up between Amazon and Starbucks. I mean think of all the nail polish I could get from Amazon, but then all the coffee!
Torn between all of them if I'm honest!
I would choose either Amazon to buy some Irregular Choice shoes or ASOS to get some awesome clothes like the Midi Ponte skirts in yellow and/or oranges!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
Amazon vouchers and I'd get myself a TONNE of new books :D
amazon and build up my dvd collection a bit more
Amazon - I'd buy my son some birthday/Christmas gifts x
I would choose Amazon, one of my favourite sites and buy my granddaughter a smart trike x
I'd chose ASOS, and I'd get a HOT dress
It would have to be the Amazon vouchers for me! We're about to more house and will finally have a garden! I'd love to put it towards an amazing wooden treehouse. Happy Blogoversary!
I would love the Amazon vouchers and would put it towards a Kindle Fire x
Amazon definitely!! as you said, completely versatile. Although I probably buy books like i always do. some children's books to keep the kids quiet inside and some kindle beach reading that isn't "high brow" enough to be visible to the public :-)
This is tough but probably Amazon. Books of course ;) x
Amazon! It would go towards a load of books and DVDs :)
I'd go with ASOS and try to force myself not to just spend it all on clothes for the kids
I'd go for Amazon, The lighting set up I want is available on there and would definitely help me on my way!
Amazon-- I'd like to complete my Dr. Seuss collection. Yup, you read that right.
STARBUCKS! I'd have endless happiness for like a year lol
We buy just about everything on amazon, so I'd have to go with that one for practical reasons. Happy Blogoversary!
I'd love an ASOS voucher. I'd spend it on some pretty dresses :)
Amazon vouchers would be ideal for me if I were your lucky winner! We are always in need of things for our house and garden and Amazon offers such a big range I wouldn't be stuck for the odd bargain or two!!
amazon, so i can buy lots of craft things x
I would love ASOS giftcard
ASOS..thank you
ASOS and I would spend it on clothes
I'm going to say amazon to buy stationery and books (for my kindle) but I'm HUGELY tempted by the Starbucks voucher!
Definitely Asos. Just discovered ive no summer clothes
ASOS! and i'll get sme new dresses!
Congrats on your blogversary! I would get the Amazon voucher. I have probably spent £100 there alone in the last month.
It's difficult to choose! Probably Amazon books for me or the Spa! Happy Blogiversary!! x
i'd go for asos - to get minnetonka moccassins!
i would love amazon vouchers as i am saving up for a posh camera
Starbucks! I'm already doing the math on how many happy mornings I could have.
Starbucks. And I'd buy so much coffee I wouldn't sleep for a week and finally have the time/energy/inability to sit still long enough doing something else to get my house clean.
Amazon! Books are my crack.
Great giveaway! I would definitely get the Asos voucher, I always have something on my wishlist from asos! :)
Away From The Blue
Happy blogoversary! I'd get amazon and put it towards a new camera lens!
Amazon for me! That way I could stock up on art supplies and maybe some books!
Oh Congratulations on your bloggiversary. The sensible side of me would take the Amazon vouchers but the silly side would take the Starbucks ones.. Free latte and cake for at least 4 months I reckon
I would choose the £100 of Amazon vouchers....Got my girls birthdays in August & September so it would go towards buying their pressies...
ASOS! I would get some tops & nail polish ;-) Thank you for the giveaway xx
Congratulations & more power on your big 5th!!!!
Silly side always silly side!
I think it's about 25 venti fraps here :)
Love it :)
It's so easy to do that!
I'm not shocked by the stationary or books but didn't peg you for a Starbucks person!
I think that's lovely!
Shocker ;)
Oh I bet R would love that!
It would be around 25 venti fraps :)
Yay for the new job! Congrats!!!
Very sensible of you but hope you'd treat yourself a bit too!
I would get Amazon vouchers and get my son toys for his birthday.
Happy blogoversary!
Elizabeth Williams
It's a bit of a weakness - a treat too when I'm out on the road teaching. Keeps me going!
Asos, finally give me an excuse to buy loads of dresses!
definitely amazon, you can buy just about anything on there nowadays. id get a new set of body analysis scales to help me on my fitness journey
Congratulations!!!! Xxx
I'd buy an Asos voucher so I can buy some Asos Curve outfits :)
ohh the amazon .x
Amazon - I love books about style and cookery.
Amazon definitely. Don't know what I'd do without Amazon! I'd probably get my son a little wooden bike.
Asos! I'd buy a skater dress...
Asos - I never shop for myself any more and once I get out this hospital I think I will be due a treat!
Ohh, tough choice, but I think I'd pick the ASOS voucher and buy myself some outfits in preparation for the southern hemi summer!
Amazon. lots of books!
Amazon, then It could be a mixture of everything and anything! - love the market place :)
amazon, i'd stock up on lots of things i never even thought i needed!
Amazon voucher! I need to get loads birthday presents and I'm absolutely broke, the voucher would help so much!
I would choose Amazon and buy some toys and dvds for my son :) x
I would have to go ASOS, now that summer has finally arrived I can revamp my summer wardrobe :)
I would start on the Christmas shopping .
I'd choose Amazon vouchers and I'd buy loads of books for me and my two girls
asos vouchers love the staff on they website and would treat myself and my daughter to something nice
i would spend the starbucks vouchers on some lovely trips to my favourite coffee shop and would enjoy many lattes, muffins and iced coffees :)
Amazon vouchers for me please. I would put it towards a Kindle Fire
Amazon which I would use some books for my summer holiday. xxx
Amazon, And Buy Lots Of Family movies for all us to enjoy over and over :)
amazon!! i think i would start buying christmas presents x
amazon ,books
ASOS: cool clothes for my daughter's birthday
It would have to be Amazon, I could get some bits for the children for the garden to keep them happy through the Summer :)
Amazon, DVDs
amazon vouchers to get some presents in for christmas
Books, always books. So it would have to be Amazon. :)
Amazon so I could buy something for each of my children, myself and partner =)
Amazon to spend on books for my kindle
ASOS! I need some new clothes ;-P
Asos, for a new summer wardrobe :)
Amazon, I would buy a laptop cooling fan & some music xxx
I would get amazon vouchers to buy books for my son for college
I would like the Amazon vouchers and put them towards some new saucepans. Boring, I know, but they are much needed
ASOS, Just had my 2nd baby and desperately need some new clothes, my wardrobe is full of maternitywear! x
I'd get Amazon vouchers and put them towards a much-coveted Kindle!
I've just been given a Kindle for my birthday so it would have to be Amazon vouchers to gorge on books!
Congratulations on your blogoversary! I would love to win Asos vouchers and buy myself new clothes :)
i would choose amazon so i could buy the kids some toys for christmas :)
Great choice of vouchers! I think I'd go for ASOS, although I do love my Starbucks!
asos - i have just had a baby so it would be nice to buy a few clothes that fit!
I'd choose the Amazon vouchers. It's my partners 30th coming up in a month so I'd be able to buy him a motorcycle rain cover that he wants and some anime DVD's.
Amazon vouchers, and top of the list is a cast iron griddle :)
I'd go for ASOS, and get something sexy to show off my summery insect bites
I would choose the Amazon Vouchers and Start buying Christmas presents to put away for my children xx
Amazon, I would spend it on something for the kids probably.....maybe for their birthdays in October within 6 days of each so expensive times!
I would go for Amazon as they would come in very handy to buy Christmas gifts :)
Amazon. I'd get myself a new keyboard and mouse for my computer.
amazon and treat myself
I would choose Amazon, For Christmas gifts
Amazon for me, please. Although a lovely coffee by the Hampstead Lock canal wouldn't be snobbed at all!
amazon, lots of books and nail varnish, maybe a few xmas pressies too XD
I would choose SpaFinders, would love a treat
Amazon. Would do a bit of book shopping :)
Amazon - would be spent on my baby - due in 1 1/2 weeks! Eeeeeek :)
Amazon as I have been trying to save up for a bed and this would be the perfect money to buy it! :)
First of all, congratulations to your bloggoversary xxx I would go for ASOS and get some treats for myself as alwasy get stuff for the girls, now it would be my treat ha ha ha
i would pick the amazon ones and buy things for my 8month old son :D
Amazon Vouchers as we are building a small family motorhome
Would love the spa vouchers as would never treat myself to such a luxury with 'real' money! Thanks for the competition
Asos. My wife deserves some new clothes having to put up with me all day. I do cook and clean though lol.
amazon - some kindle books & computer games to keep the boys happy xx
Amazon, love them all, your so generous, Thank You, x
I would choose the Amazon vouchers to help towards my study books for uni next year!
I would choose the Amazon ones to get some good books to read in this lovely weather.
Amazon and I would buy lots of DVD box sets :)
Asos and spend them on my son!
I'd go for Amazon vouchers, and I'd get my daughter some cookware for when she goes to University in September
I would pick ASOS and treat my sister who is working hard for her exams, a new outfit!
Amazon vouchers. I'd splurge on kindle books.
Amazon for some summer reading
ASOS BABY!!!! ;)
I would love asos vouchers not bought new clothes in ages and could desperately do with some!
I would love the Amazon vouchers to buy a new BBQ!
Amazon, Towards the dreaded C*******s shopping haha! :)
I would like the Amazon voucher and I would put it towards a new bike.
id love amazon. id put it towards christmas presents for my children
I would like amazon & would by some treats for my children
I would pick Amazon vouchers and I would buy some kitchen utensils.xx
Amazon all the way - the choice of goods is so great I could treat the whole family!
Amazon vouchers always good for christmas pressies :)
Amazon vouchers to get some books
Amazon vouchers to get some new gear for my bike
Congratulations on 5 years! Wow! Thats amazing! I've been a bit lazy with my blog lately!
I'd love the ASOS vouchers please, as the weather has finally picked up here I desperately need some new shorts! (& some new sunglasses would be great too!)
Congrats again! Jen xx
Amazon because they sell everything you could imagine!
Amazon because it could go towards birthday presents
I'd pick the ASOS voucher, and I'd use it to buy myself some new treats - I'm about to have a baby, and new non-maternity clothes would encourage me to get back in shape! xx
Amazon vouchers and i'd buy a new camera for my holiday
Asos to treat myself
use to complete my Terry Pratchett collection!
Amazon vouchers as there is so much choice, I could get something for me, my daughter and of course me!
The Amazon vouchers and I'd buy some books for my little one. :D
v early christmas shopping!
Amazon... rucksack
I'd get Amazon vouchers and I'd buy mystery books.
I would get Starbucks + save it until I came to London & take you out for coffee :)
I would choose Amazon so that I could get a head start with my Christmas Shopping.
Asos... help me buy a maternity wardrobe!!
I am just thinking of all the books/stationery I could buy from Amazon with ONE HUNDRED POUNDS! woot.
Get some presents for christmas :)
SpaFinder :) It would go towards a special treat/present for my mum's 50th birthday in September :) x
Amazon, I'd love some new garden chairs
I would choose the Amazon vouchers and I'd make a head start on buying Christmas presents for my kids with them.
I'd love to win £100 to spend at ASOS, because I'm so thrifty I don't allow myself to buy clothes very often! I'd hope to lose some weight then splurge on clothes a size smaller.
Amazon :) So I could buy my little girl a bike...she has just learnt to use her trike and is so made up doing it!
I would choose Amazon vouchers so I could buy a portable external hard drive to store all my pictures from our holiday to America
I would choose Amazon and I'd buy a couple of Wii games to enjoy during the rainy summer holidays (!), a couple of books for me and a couple of family DVDs.
Amazon. I would like to get a Karcher window vaccum cleaner + extension pole that I could treat myself to something special.
Amazon vouchers and I'd get myself a tablet to draw on!
Asos, for some holiday clothes.
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