I'd like to say something nice and positive and upbeat but honestly I'm just feeling really defeated. There's nothing more really the physio or the GP can do for my SPD which they are now calling severe SPD. I'm starting acupuncture September 1st but other than that I'm pretty much SOL. I'm just finding it so frustrating that I can't get around and do things on my own and need to rely on NBH so much which isn't fair on him or BB.
I worry about going anywhere full stop because I don't know if we will be able to park close enough, will there be a long walk, is it going to rain (I can't carry an umbrella).....etc. I know I'm very lucky it is only temporary but it is still really painful and really frustrating. Fingers crossed the acupuncture helps alleviate the pain some. I'll be getting acupuncture once a week and seeing the physio still every 2 weeks until bebe arrives.
Otherwise things keep moving on. Blondie Boy is loving school and he'll start full days from the 1st of September as well. My once-weekly commute is on hold during the pre-referendum recess which helps since I can work entirely from home. We still need to find a way that I can get comfortable downstairs as right now I'm spending most of my time up in bed.
Not trying to be a Debbie Downer it's just been a rough week and while I don't like airing everything online I can't pretend things are all rainbows and unicorn farts either, y'know?
*How far along?: 34 weeks
*How big is baby?: Butternut Squash
*How big is baby?: Butternut Squash
*Maternity clothes?: I had to go and buy longer tops today b/c my under bump is hanging out. Only found one top but still better than nothing. HUGE thanks to NBH who came with me right as the mall opened so we could park close and he could carry anything I wanted for me.
*Sleep?: Yesterday I woke up at 5:44, today 3:44. Longer stretch of sleep once I eventually fell back asleep last night but still creeped out about the :44 bit.
*Movement?: Yup; you can also lift up my bump and feel that you're lifting the baby. It's heavy.
*Food cravings?: No
*Labor signs?: No
*Belly button in or out?: Innie
*What I miss: Getting out and about on my own
*Food cravings?: No
*Labor signs?: No
*Belly button in or out?: Innie
*What I miss: Getting out and about on my own
*Milestone: NBH got the office cleared out so it can become the nursery.
If you like to compare/contrast here is Blondie Boy's 34 week update from 2009.

Personally I say if you're comfortable in bed then stay there? The rest of the household can migrate to you. Not long to go now honey - sympathy and empathy, I've been where you are (was induced early x2 because of it!)
I hope you feel better soon and that the acupuncture works for you. I am also 34 weeks pregnant but with my 1st one. x
Oh no! Hang in there. It will be over soon. I lost the ability to walk in my third trimester and it terrible, felt like forever. As soon as she was born things returned to normal :)
Sounds like you are in a lot of pain. It's good it is only temp but I know being uncomfortable and sore can make a short time seem like forever. Hopefully the acupuncture will work.
Aww no, totally feel for you with all the pain. It's no fun and makes you miserable :( I really hope you manage to get some rest and that the acupuncture helps x
I'm so so sorry you are suffering like this. It must be SO hard to stay upbeat when you are in constant pain and there is nothing that can be done. I really really hope that you either get some relief soon, or they find a way to make you comfortable until you deliver. x x x
Hugs honey & hang in there. Love ya x
I commented on this before from my phone but looking back I think my comment got eaten! So sorry to hear you're having such a tough time. Being in discomfort and pain is zero fun, especially when you know it's not something that's going to just disappear overnight. It's OK to vent about it though - if it helps then hey, it's got to be worth it. I hope the acupuncture works and gives you some relief. Wish I had some helpful advice to offer but I'm afraid I'm no expert on the subject. I'd prescribe wine or gin but, obviously, in this case even those tried and tested remedies can't be used! xx
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