About Us

I'm an American girl who lived in Glasgow, Scotland from 2004-2015. We moved our family to Cincinnati, Ohio in 2016 and reversed roles with my husband being the expat. Cincinnati has changed so much since I left, so I'm somewhat of a tourist in my own city. Discovering new favorites and seeing old stand-bys in a new light as a parent. I studied Women's Studies and Social Research and I'm a proud feminist.  I work in digital marketing for a large public university.

NotBlondeHusband and I were married in 2008 and we welcomed Blondie Boy to the family January 2010 and Baby Girl in September 2014 .  As a family thousands of miles away from friends and family, we use this blog in part to document Blondie Boy and Baby Girl's lives for those we can't see everyday. 

If you'd like to know more about me you can read posts like this, this or this.  Or just get in touch!

Transatlantic Blonde is a loser six times over when it comes to blog awards. Always the bridesmaid never the bride.

Transatlantic Blonde is the number #8 Baby Blog of 2015 and was ranked #9 Parenting Blog of 2013 and #13 Parent Blogger on Twitter 2013 by the TOTS 1o0.