I know nothing about potty training. Not surprisingly I don't remember when I did it and my younger sister is only 20 months younger than me so I couldn't tell you what it was like for her either. All I know is that Blondie Boy is starting to tell us when he's pooped. Yup I'm now that Mom, I'm blogging about poo. He'll also go and grab his changing mat when he needs a new diaper.
I know that telling us AFTER the fact doesn't mean he's ready to be potty trained, but we do know it means he is aware of what he's doing. So with that in mind we think we are going to get a potty, put it out and see what happens. So, why am I blogging about it if it hasn't happened? I need y'alls help!
What are your tips and tricks? Are there any pottys or potty accessories you loved? Any you hated? Any help or advice is greatly appreciated! We were thinking maybe something like the potty about, but I'm open to any ideas!