Yesterday I posted off an application for Blondie Boy for a local dual language nursery school. I know he's only 21 months but I thought as he will be starting primary school young because of his birthday the same would be true for pre-school and he'd start at 2 1/2. Not so much.
The woman phoned to say she got our application (that was quick!) but that he wouldn't start until the day after his 3rd birthday so 2013. She was absolutely lovely and said she'd keep his application and give us a phone closer to when he'd be due to enroll.
Pre-School aged Blondie
I have no idea when children start pre-school in America so I'm not basing this on a US vs. UK standard or anything. Sure I was a summer camp counsellor, taught secondary sexual health courses and was a TA and Graduate Assistant but known of that tells me how to structure learning for a toddler.
When do you think children should start attending pre-school? Am I completely crazy to want to try and find him a place somewhere at age 2 1/2? Are there resources out there for teaching toddlers at home? Should I just keep letting him do his own thing and learn without structured teaching?