Wednesday, 30 May 2012

What I Wore Wednesday: Guns N Roses Glasgow

This week's What I Wore Wednesday day is brought to you by the power of Social Media. I had just finished putting on after-sun after getting my first sunburn of the year and was settling in for a night alone on the couch when I saw that Julie, who I used to work with at a bar over 6 years ago, had a spare Guns N Roses ticket for the Glasgow show. Seriously I don't think I've ever loved Facebook more than this moment. I got to go see one of my favourite bands of all time because of a very generous friend and it was AWESOME.
Julie and I: I may be just a little excited
I fully expected to go and be really sad I never got to see Guns N Roses back in the day but holy crap Axl Rose has still got it. He sang, screeched, swayed and shimmied just like in all the videos I loved so much that I dressed up like him and stuck a hairbrush in a broomstick to make a microphone and recreate his moves (luckily for me I have no idea where these photos now are).
guns n roses glasgow 2012
Axl has still got it
November Rain was *the* song to dance to with the guy you liked at my Junior High dances not just because the song was AMAZING but because you got to dance with that guy for almost double the time of any other song. I can remember getting really pissed off when radio stations cut out the piano break and shortened the song-- how dare they? I'm shocked my cassingle didn't wear out from being overplayed on my boombox. 
 guns n roses november rain
Axl started playing "November Rain" on the piano & no shit I cried
They played for over three hours and the show didn't end until after 1:30am--Glasgow has a concert curfew so how they got around that I don't know. I really can't complain about anything about the show; yes Axl did sneak off stage quite a lot during guitar solos and such so maybe there is some truth to those oxygen tank rumours but he did not disappoint when he was on stage in the slightest. They played all of my favourite Use your Illusion I and II songs plus pretty much every single released since 1987. 
guns n roses glasgow 2012
Dark venue, plus break stage lights= crappy iPhone pics
I freaked out when they played "Patience" during the encore which is my all time favourite Guns N Roses song. No one really knows the song but I adore it so much we had a string quartet version of it at our wedding. I'd post the video I took but umm yea you can hear me in the background and my vocal stylings weren't up to their normal standards after singing along for three hours!

I didn't take a picture before I left the house so I took this photo when I got home at 3am---it took ages to get a taxi--so I'm not my freshest but I was definitely still on a major high from the show! I can not express how grateful and appreciative I am that Julie let me have her extra Glasgow ticket.

 skull blazer concert festival

Cropped Blazer- HM
Multicoloured Skull Tank- HM
Skullie Bracelet-Amima
Fiji Friendship Bracelet-Monica Vinader
Black Hoops Earrings- Walmart
The Flirt Jeans-Old Navy
Blue Flip Flops- Old Navy

Ideally I would have worn heels but I know me and I knew I'd be jumping up and down and dancing and flip flops seemed way more practical. I ditched the blazer inside the venue because like most shows it was super hot (even more so since we were having a heat wave). So now I've actually worn the things I posted looking for advice on how to wear! Thanks to everyone who suggested pairing the skull tank with the blazer.

Is there any band from back in the day that are still touring and you are dying to see? Or did you finally see your favourite band recently? Did it live up to the hype or not?

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Sunday, 27 May 2012

Win a Blurb Photobook for Father's Day with Dropgifts

When it comes to buying presents for NotBlondeHusband I almost always struggle. He's crazy tough to buy for so with Father's Day just around the corner I'm starting to consider what I might get him. If you're like me and not sure what to get the Dad in your life I've got a competition to win a custom Blurb Photobook in time for Father's Day from the lovely people at DropGifts!

DropGifts is a new social gifting app and website that lets you send digital giftcards to your friends via Facebook. They make it quick and easy for people to send gifts from where ever they are in the world and have partnered with some great brands such as amazon, John Lewis and tastecard so there is something for everyone!

To enter use the Rafflecopter widget and answer this question in the comments: 
Share you favourite memory or funny story of a Dad in your life!

There are extra entries available for tweeting, liking on Facebook and you'll get THREE extra entries for sending a free card to a friend using DropGifts
! Competition is now CLOSED. The winner has until June 6th to get in touch and claim their prize. a Rafflecopter giveaway
This is a sponsored post.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

What I Wore Wednesday: Eurovision, Sequins, Skulls and The Mad Blog Awards

This week I've been wearing military jackets and funny hats and representing Denmark in the Eurovision song competition and I made it to the finals!!! Okay I haven't but I've seriously been bombarded on Facebook and Twitter saying I look like the Danish Eurovision contestant--what do you think?  
I do have Danish ancestry so I guess it isn't that big of a stretch. So I wasn't living it up in Azerbaijan at Eurovision semi-finals but I also wasn't really leaving the house in anything other than sweats. I had to play catch-up with work post-Cybher and NotBlondeHusband was out quite a lot so I really didn't leave the couch.

So I'm going to ask you all for help again. I've bought two tops from HM and not worn either of them because I'm not 100% sure how to style them. 

I absolutely love the tops and with the weather getting warmer I'm running out of time to wear the sequinned top but also it isn't quite warm enough for just the skull tank top. How would you wear them?

Also a HUGE thank you to everyone who nominated me in The Mad Blog Awards because I am a finalist for best Fashion Blog! Thank you SO much! If you have a moment and you link up or like What I Wore Wednesday would you please vote for me?  I appreciate everyone's help!
MAD Blog Awards 2012
Voting is open until June 6th and can vote in as many or few categories as you like! So enough of me asking favours and on to the What I Wore Wednesday linky!

Link up any outfit(s) you've worn over the past week and then comment on this and at least one other post.  Add the badge to your post so others can join in too! You don't have to have designer clothes or even dress up to look cute--let's see your style!

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Monday, 21 May 2012


Right now my good friend Siân is on a plane headed to Niger with World Vision UK and Liz Scarff to tell the world about what is happening in West Africa before it is too late. 

Low rainfall, poor harvest and high food prices people have put 15 million people across the region at risk of food shortages. In Niger 5.5 million people are already affected. This landlocked country is not only one of the poorest in the world; it has just been named as the worst place in the world to be a mother. The worst place in the world to be a mother--I bolded that for a reason--if it is the worst place to be a mother how do you think it ranks for children? 
So what do I want you to do?
Follow her journey using # ShareNiger and help spread their storytelling by retweeting.  Siân and Liz will be providing live updates from the field on Storify.
Add your voice and share the stories of the people that they meet. Write a blog post, write a tweet, update your Facebook status. Every evening they will be sharing the words and images of the women and children that they have met in order for you to write about them and join the storytelling movement.

That's not too much to ask is it? To me Social Media is all about making connections, sharing stories and enacting and facilitating change; you can do all of that with just a tweet, status update or blog post.

One of my feminist idols is Margaret Mead; this quote of hers is how I choose to view the world and how I choose to make change. I hope it strikes a chord with you as much as it does with me:

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."- Margaret Mead
You can learn more by watching the World Vision presentation from Cybher:

Friday, 18 May 2012

Feminist Friday: Stickers are Sexless

These books have been staring at me for the past couple of weeks and taunting me. Blondie Boy loves stickers, LOVES stickers, so I see sticker books that are relatively inexpensive and I want to buy them for him but you see I can't. I can't because in my honest opinion these stickers books are sexist. How can sticker books be sexist you say? Well grab yourself something to drink and settle in and I'll tell you.

Now I understand some of you might be thinking "what's the big deal?" Well the big deal is gender stereotyping is not okay. Blondie Boy loves trucks and cars but he also loves giraffes, hearts, puppy dogs and fairies (specifically one Miss Abby Cadabby but more on her another time). I hear you 'no big deal' folks saying "Fine just get him the girl's book." That isn't the point. Why do the books even need to be "boy's" and "girl's"? I know Blondie Boy has colouring and sticker books called "big book of cars" or "animals" so why the need to define with boy and girl?

In playing into culturally constructed norms of what either sex should like or be these books are subtly chipping away at our children's identities. Yes, I'm going to take it THAT far because there will be some little boy who goes to get a sticker book and reaches for the copy with giraffes, fairies and ponies only to be told, no that is the girl's book. That little child will have to compromise who they are and what they like because some marketing genius has decided what is for boys and what is for girls and slapped the label on sticker books accordingly.

In my opinion there are no such things are girls things and boys things as far as toys and playthings are concerned. Yes our external and internal genitalia do differentiate male from female but last time I checked most children's toys don't actually require a penis or a vulva/vagina so really why are toys marked as boy and girl? Physically and mentally boys and girls can play with the exact same toys so there is no need to market them as sex specific. Let children choose on their own what they want to play with and enjoy.

I like to buy toys that Blondie Boy would like but as much as he might like either of those colouring books I will not buy them. We have to buck the "snips and snails" versus "sugar and spice" dichotomy or it will just continue. 

At Cybher last Saturday I said to me being a feminist blogger means not shutting up. So I'm not going to shut up. I'll rant about sticker books and anything else that pisses me off and if even one person reads my rants and it makes them think differently then I think I've done my job. Things can't change if you don't let anyone know things are wrong.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

What I Wore Wednesday: Cybher

This past weekend I was honoured to be part of the amazing team that put on Cybher, the first all inclusive female blogger event of its kind in the UK. It was a hectic few days but it was an amazing day and I'm really happy with how my two sessions--I ended up running a feminist panel in addition to my Apps presentations--went. The vibe on the day was so positive, inspiring and uplifting and since I am the one reading the evaluation results I know I was not alone in feeling that way :)

So here is what I wore to the most stylish blogger event of the year:

Grey Dress- Cynthia Rowley
Black Cropped Blazer- HM
CybherUK necklace- My Name Necklace
Silver and Pink Fiji Bracelet- Monica Vinader
Black Hoop Earrings-Walmart
Patent Leather Black Dr Martens Heels
Platinum Black Nails-Sally Hansen

What didn't I tell you I'm the new Edie? What do you mean Desperate Housewives is cancelled? Aw crap.  Don't worry I'm not delusional, well not totally; one of the stands had this super cool green screen where you could whisk yourself to Wisteria Lane. Pretty cool right?

In the end I didn't end up wearing my skull bracelet because my good friend, and Cybher founder, Siân gave the team these amazing Fiji Friendship bracelets--in Cybher her pink natch. Since I'd been sick the week before I didn't think I could wear heels all day so Siân loaned me her kick ass Doc boots, too. 

I found this Cynthia Rowley dress at TK Maxx the day before I got sick and really loved it. It has pockets (something I really love in a dress right now) and you can't tell but a really cute zipper up the back which at least in the UK is bang on trend. It was more than comfortable to run around in all day and I think it looked professional yet stylish.

I have to give a big shout out to my Apps co-presenter Biba who was didn't just do an amazing job for a 10 year old but did an amazing job full stop. Huge thanks to Cat and Lori for stepping in last minute to sit on the feminist panel with me and MASSIVE congratulations to the rest of the team Claire, Erica and of course the maven behind the madness Siân. Thank you for believing in me and believing in Cybher. 

Link up any outfit(s) you've worn over the past week and then comment on this and at least one other post.
Add the badge to your post so others can join in too! You don't have to have designer clothes or even dress up to look cute--let's see your style!

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Wednesday, 9 May 2012

What I Wore Wednesday: What Should I Wear?

So here's the craic, I'm sick. I caught Blondie Boy's crud and my American immune system doesn't handle European bugs that great so it's resulted in me being on antibiotics and well basically looking like a hot mess. So there is no what I wore this week because I've not left my bed--and my hair would scare you.

What I do need is y'all's help. This Saturday is Cybher and I'm crazy honoured to be speaking.  The thing is I don't know what I'm going to wear; I got two dresses but I'm just not that sure about them. I know I want to wear a skull bracelet I bought in Mallorca but that is it and I kinda need a bit more coverage.

So be my stylist---please! What would you pair this bracelet with for my speaking engagement?

I have the hot pink rope and purple skullie (I think, I'm too tired to go dig it out of my suitcase--don't judge me for not unpacking) by Amima. I found it in a wee jewellery shop in Palma and it turns out Amima are a Mallorcan jewellery company so how cool is that? It also seems I've made a bit of a trend of buying skull accessories while on holiday so we'll have to see if I can keep it up!

So what would you pair this bracelet with? Bonus points for links!

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Wednesday, 2 May 2012

What I Wore Wednesday: Mallorca

I don't think I mentioned it here but last weekend I took a mini-break to Mallorca for some sun and relaxation. For those who don't know Mallorca (also called Majorca-the spelling I defer to is the Catalan while the one here is Spanish) is the largest of a group of islands called the Balearics off the east coast of Spain in the Mediterranean sea.

I got mega-crazy cheap flights as well as an amazing deal at the Barceló hotel in Cala Viñas which is a really beautiful and quiet part of the island. It is close enough to "livlier" areas if you are down for that sort of thing and only 20 minutes from Palma and 25 from Palma airport-- hiring a car again was mega cheap.

I usually don't like going back to the same place twice but I'd really love to go back with NotBlondeHusband and Blondie Boy. It is only a 2 1/2 hour flight or so from Glasgow so it really is an ideal short-haul journey. That being said the lost cost airline I took out was a freaking nightmare--not because of the staff, but because of the other passengers; that is another story for another time.

I refuse to pay the crazy prices low-cost airlines charge for checked luggage so I had to limit what I brought with me. Here is what I wore on my mini-break to Mallorca:

Flying Out: Note to self- White Top and Black Cardigan makes my boobs look even more ginourmous than normal-- avoid! I always like to wear layers on flights because planes almost always end up cold when in the  air. I ended up losing the scarf and sweater when we landed as I was roasting even though it was 9pm!

alexander mcqueen style skull scarf

Skull Scarf- Chelsea
White Top- Dunnes
Black Oversized Collar Cardigan- Banana Republic
The Flirt Jeans-Old Navy
New Balance Gym Shoes-Zappos

Site seeing around Palma: I went with a tank top and jeans. I was tempted to wear a sundress but I just thought I'd be more comfortable in jeans and I was right. It was a little hot but not sweaty hot and as there are lots of winding streets it was cooler in the shade walking around.
purple flip flops
Aviators-  Supermercado Jañez SL  
(that's basically the 7-11 next to the hotel)
Pink Shell Top- Land's End
The Flirt Jeans-Old Navy
Purple Old Navy Flip Flops

Chilling on the Beach: My mother-in-law brought me back this sundress back from her honeymoon in Florida and it made the perfect beach cover-up since it also didn't look out of place sitting at the beach bar having a daiquiri either! I'd normally never pick orange for myself so I was pleasantly surprised that it worked!
 orange dress
Aviators-  Supermercado Jañez SL
Black Swimsuit- BhS 
Orange Sundress-Calvin Klein
Purple Old Navy Flip Flops

Dinner: I busted out my favourite maxi dress for dinner and made the most of the sea air (with the help of my curling wand) and went for beach waves with my hair. Can you tell I liked this bridge between the building my room was in and the one the restaurant was in for photos?

multi coloured maxi dress

Black Feather Earrings-Monsoon
Black Bag- Coach
Multi Coloured Maxi Dress- Barbara Hulanicki for George
Purple Flips Flops-Old Navy

What kind of wardrobe do you take with you on vacation? Do you have any tips or tricks when dealing with limited luggage allowance?

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