For those who don't know I used to be bigger. I'd say I was a "big girl" but I hate that Mika song "Big Girls you are Beautiful" so much it has put me off the term. I find it patronizing that a gay man is telling curvy girls they are pretty, because seriously, he's not going to sleep with me, so just shut up.
Back to me. This was me August 2007:

Then I met the South Beach Diet and the gym, so by April 2008, this was me, 3 1/2 stone (50lbs) lighter:

Which luckily shortly coincided with my wedding and honeymoon:

But now it's almost 2009 and I've put back on a stone (14lbs). How? Well I could blame a lot of things. I got a new job (which I love) and cancelled my gym membership because it was not close to my new office, forgot everything I learned and started eating whatever the hell I wanted especially high sugar type items and was in general busy and lazy as shit.
I don't believe in New Year resolutions, but I'm calling on all of you people who read this blog to hold me accountable. Sugar free, skim lattes are just as nice as full sugar ones. If I buy an exercise bike it's just as easy to ride the bike while watching "Neighbours" as it is to just sit on my ass and play online. It's easy "eat less, move more" and I'm going to do it...if Oprah can own up, so can I.