We are really lucky that both NotBlondeHusband's parents (and their respective partners) help us out with Blondie Boy. Before we went on holiday BB's Grandma took him shopping with her while both of us were at work. He actually is a pretty good shopper (it is in his genes) and while out he picked out an entire outfit all by himself.
When I heard he'd picked out an entire outfit all by himself I wasn't expecting much but the kid can coordinate! It has all of his favourite things and was very holiday appropriate.
Route 66 Tee
Yellow Cargo Shorts
Shark Print Beach Shoes
(all Marks and Spencer)
First off how much do I love my kid for being bang on trend with bright yellow shorts? The beach shoes were perfect for the ocean as while Le Brasilia has a sandy beach it is really pebbly right where the tide comes in so it protected his tootsies. It is also way easier to walk on hot sand in beach shoes than flip flops!
You had to know with Blondie Boy that cars would be involved somehow so it doesn't surprise me that he picked this Route 66 themed t-shirt. What is really cool is it is a lift the flap tee. So there are little surprise designs under flaps scattered around the tee. How cool is that?
He was very proud of his purchases and I think I might have to let him pick out outfits for himself more often! Do you pick out your children's clothes or do you let them style themselves?

Aww, your son is so cute! Hope you had a fun birthday despite the strike!
Away From The Blue
Happy birthday! I hope you had an excellent time in France!
- Lindsay from Dearest Darling
Oh such a cute little tee! I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!!
Lauren Xx
He did great! Love that shirt!
Your son is such a cutie pie!! Thanks for hosting:)
This is my first time participating in this meme, and I love your idea for featuring your children's dresses too.
What a fun birthday to spend in France! Mine is coming up next week. Happy Belated Birthday and glad to join in the link up!
What a cutie pie! And happy belated birthday!
Cute :) Mine actually does the same at 5. He decides what he's wearing. The only problem that arises is that he isn't very accepting of "it's in the laundry"
Thanks for hosting the link up!
Alex - Funky Jungle
Super cute outfit! My daughter loves to pick her outfits - some more creative than others!! Thanks for hosting lovely x
I promise you 6 hours stuck at a tiny airport, with a 4 year old, that has no shops or anything is not fun even in France.
Your little man is looking adorable. I love his hair. Is he ready to be a big brother yet?
Happy Belated Birthday Mamma!! Always a pleasure stopping by. =)
World's smallest airport in France - I'm going to make a guess that you flew from Dinard - its practically a garden shed!
Air travel can be the worst! Glad you made it home. Your little guy is so cute!
xo, Amy Ann
The Real Arnolds
Cute outfit, love the yellow shorts! Thank you for the link up x
What a cutie!
Cute outfit! My daughter has been picking out her own clothes since she was about 6 (she's 13 now)! Happy Belated Birthday!
Its a yellow kind of day, he looks great, such a styling young lad
welcome back from france!
happy wednesday!
rhea | Rhea, Et Cetera
I feel like everywhere I turn lately people are talking about Route 66-- it makes me really want to drive along it. Oh, and that shirt is so cute!
love that Route 66 shirt... hits close to home for me :)
Your son is adorable! I love his shirt!
Nicole to the
Your son is too cute && can definitely coordinate :)
He looks so cute. What a wee honey he is x
That is a very cute T-shirt!! He looks so handsome wearing it! I have a son myself and I'm over the moon when I can find cute clothings for him, because usually the cute ones are only for girls! I dont want him to be cutesy or girlie later on of course, but at 18 months, I think he can still afford to be cute. Haha!
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LeeAnne, Style N Season
Hey girl! Thanks for hosting the link-up. Just wanted to let ya know that there was a link to this link-up in my post which I added right when I linked up to it :) The link is the same color as my font so perhaps that's why you didn't notice! Hope you have a great 4th of July!
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