So I'm going to let y'all in on a not so big secret, I can't sleep. If you follow me on Twitter, instant message me from the USA or just know me this should come as no surprise. It's like I'm stuck in some time zone in the middle of the Atlantic ocean half way between the US and Scotland.
To be totally honest it's no that I can't sleep, but more specifically that I can not fall asleep. Once I am actually asleep I am fairly good at staying asleep. I've tried many things in the past from listening to specifically designed sleep playlists through a pillow speaker to prescription medicines.
For the past few years I have been watching DVDs to fall asleep. We have our DVD player set up so I can set a sleep timer and after a certain amount of time the TV turns off, but I can still hear the sound of the movie which will shut off thanks to a second sleep timer. This has been my go to sleep setup for years, but it's just not cutting it anymore.
I often am still asleep when the DVD turns off which then leads me to panic, turn back on the DVD and start all over again. Right now I'm downstairs while Blondie Boy and NotBlondeHusband are asleep and trying to get sufficiently sleepy before slipping into bed.
Does anyone else have this problem? I should add it doesn't matter what time I go to bed or what time I wake up (so don't tell me to get up early Mom) falling asleep is always difficult.
For getting through an entire post with no pictures I leave you with the Barenaked Ladies; I always think of this song when talking about not sleeping....