Friday, 30 January 2009
Totally Tubular!

Thursday, 29 January 2009
Nasty 'Nati & the D-Funk
That night back in Cincinnati we went to one of my favorite place, Pomidori's. Normally I go to the original restaurant in Clifton, but we went to the one in Montgomery which is closer to my Dad's house. They are known for their wood-fired pizza and of course we had apple pizza and it was sooooo good!
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
I <3 Graze
It was created by the founder of LoveFilm, which rents you DVDs through the mail. It's the same idea but with healthy snacks. For £2.99 a box you get fresh fruit, dried fruit, nuts or other snacks delivered through the post to your desk or home.
You can select from a selection of boxes like "Pre Workout" "Low GI" "Weight Loss" or just rate what things you like and don't like and be surprised.
I got my first box today and it was so exciting (yea I'm a dork). It contained 4 of my 5 recommended fruit/veg a day! I had a punnet of fresh pineapple, some dried orchard fruits (pear, apple & cherry) and dried cranberries. I ate everything but the cranberries which I plan to sprinkle on my oatmeal tomorrow.
I'm planning on getting my boxes on Tues/Thurs and it works out to costing less than one daily trip to Starbucks. I'm in love. I feel like a celebrity getting my meals delivered to me (except it's snacks and I still have to do my own hair and makeup).
They gave me a code for friends to use and get their first box for only £1! So if you live in the UK, why not try grazing: PC9J1P2
Monday, 26 January 2009
Hydraulic Hiccups

Saturday, 24 January 2009
Getting There
We left our flat at 4:15am on the 12th and flew from Glasgow to Amsterdam. We had a sizable layover, but we played cards, ate free cheese and watched some Conchords. Oh and a food court cashier made fun of me saying whatever:
Me: Oh I thought it cost less, whatever.
Clerk: Ha ha, whatever.
Me: Uh-huh
Clerk: So it is €3.30 whatever.
Me: (hands over cash)
Clerk: Here is your change whatever.
Me: Thanks.
Clerk: Whatever, ha ha.
Seriously he found it absolutely hilarious. Me, not so much because the coffee was gross.
Anyway we got on the plane and started to taxi, but then we had to turn back because a passenger was too sick to fly. NBH saw the guy run past with 6 barf bags. Getting him off the plane didn't take very long, but offloading his luggage did. So an hour later (and a little nap) we finally took off.
Flight was okay, food was a bit weird. KLM are apparently doing "Asian" inspired meals but as I said before much to the clerks delight, whatever.
I watched a lot of movies: Nick & Nora's Infinite Playlist, StepBrothers & Baby Mama. I'd seen the latter before and just love me some Amy Poehler. Nick and Nora was cute and not your average teen rom-com. StepBrothers was really funny. It was dubbed a lot though so the cussing made no sense; "great Santa's suit" isn't an insult I've heard a lot. Anyway I especially loved this scene. NBH watched it before me and had guessed I would love this particular bit:
Yes this scene could possibly be played out in my hypothetical future family car trips; I'm sure that won't surprise anyone who knows me.
So back to the flight. We arrive and go through our separate customs lines (yes we are married but a) we have different last names and b) I'm not waiting in the johnny foreigner line when I can go get our bags) and NBH takes forever. It wasn't his fault, a flight from Qatar got in at the same time as ours so the screening was a bit heavy. By the time they got to NBH he got no hassle.
Bags took ages to come, but all arrived and then there was a massive line to get out of the baggage hall, again because all the Qatar people were getting their luggage searched. In the 15 years I have been flying transatlantically I have never had a line to get out of the baggage hall.
So we went and got our rental car. I don't remember what make it was (I'm a girl) but it was a purpley color SUV and I loved it. We drove from Dulles to Washington, PA only stopping for some pop once we hit Maryland and then some Taco Bell before the PA border. We spent the night at a hotel (jet lag meant an 8 hour drive was not an option) and then set back out the next day.
We started off our day the best way, with McDonald's breakfast.

Sunday, 11 January 2009
Leaving on Jet Plane
So please excuse the dead air on my blog while we visit friends, family and Obama.
Thursday, 8 January 2009
Bride Wars
The movie was definitely cute and there were some laugh out loud funny spots (mostly from supporting characters). Personally I found it hard to believe that Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway were best friends, they had no chemistry. It could also be that because Kate Hudson isn't going to be winning an Oscar anytime soon if you catch my drift.
I'd recommend paying for a matinee ticket rather than full-price and I won't be adding it to my DVD rotation. I'll leave you with the preview, which has some minor spoilers and also contains a lot of stuff that isn't even in the movie- weird! If you go to see it, my favorite line from the movie was about butter. I won't reveal anymore :)
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
That's not Okay

Monday, 5 January 2009
You say I'm crazy? I got your crazy....