On Thursday NBH, Alie and I took a drive north on 75 to visit Bessala, also known as my maternal Grandmother. It's a 45 minute drive past the horrific hot tub Jesus, Trader's World and an awesome billboard that told us to "Never eat yellow snow & Never shake a baby."
We went to Bess' favorite O'Charley's and hung out in the fabulous Lincoln Park. There was actually a lot more snow on the ground in Dayton than there was in Cincinnati. Bess' favorite thing about her "grandson" NBH is how he is taller than her china cabinet.
That night back in Cincinnati we went to one of my favorite place, Pomidori's. Normally I go to the original restaurant in Clifton, but we went to the one in Montgomery which is closer to my Dad's house. They are known for their wood-fired pizza and of course we had apple pizza and it was sooooo good!
Alie and Issac (Dana & Adam's son)
Allyson & I
Betsy, Liam, Laura & I
(Where's Liam? In Bets' belly)
Stevie & my Dad enjoying the Terrace Park directory a bit too much
The next day we went to visit my Grandma and Grandpa on the west-side. We brought with us Izzy's for lunch. There is no better corn beef sandwich on earth and their pickles and latkes are to die for!
Molly & Luke (Betsy's kids)
(I told them to act like they like each other)
My Grandpa and 2 of his 5 (almost 7) great-grandkids
We also met my cousin Laura's new puppy Callie