I can't remember the last time I got Chinese food. Before we got pregnant I had Chinese at least once if not more a week. What if they forget who I am and I stop getting my special "free item" for being a good customer?

The odd thing is I haven't missed it. I've had a long love affair with Chinese food to the point where the place I got food from in high school still says to my Dad "Oh you Ryan's Daddy." I loved my take-out from my favorite DC joint SuperPanda (formerly known as Bruce Lee) and even had Chinese for dinner before I graduated from college.
It's not that Chinese food sounds gross to me, it just doesn't scream out to me like it once did. What's wrong with me?

Wait -- you're preggers?! When did this happen!
Well technically April, but we let everyone else know when we got back from Thailand. There are 2 posts if you scroll down a bit :)
Chinese food made me want to vomit the whole time I was KU. It was sad for Sal since it's his favorite food ever.
I totally went searching for the original post after I made that comment. CONGRATULATIONS! I had some catching up to do after the business that was the Membership Conference.
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