Everyone always describes Blondie Boy as "busy" and to be honest that's what we've all been for over a week and it's why my blog has gone silent. In the past week this is some of what's happened:
-NotBlondeHusband got LASIK
-I applied for and was approved for a Spouse VISA
-NBH and I both got yucky colds
-Our check engine light on our car came on and subsequently our car is out-of-order
-We went to Troon for Blondie Boy's first Christmas
We're now in full-blown planning mode for Blondie Boy's 1st Birthday Party (any party supply people out there looking for reviews?) and preparing for my Mom to arrive on Blondie Boy's actual birthday for a week long visit.
2010 has been a year full of new things and there will be lots of changes coming in 2011 for us all. I hope y'all will stick around to go through them with us!