Friday, 3 December 2010

Drink your gin and tonica

Happy Chanukah! Chanukah is super early this year; it started on December 1st at sundown and will continue until the 8th. I always loved lighting the candles and I've really looked forward to celebrating Chanukah with Blondie Boy.

I know Chanukah is basically bottom of the list when it comes to important Jewish holidays, but it still is important to me culturally. So when I went looking for a cute Chanukah t-shirt or onesie for Blondie Boy and came up short I decided to make one myself!

I had NBH make me a template so my menorah was roughly symmetrical and I cut out the shape from sparkly blue felt.

I made a template again for my candles so they'd be the same size and cut them out from light blue and white felt and then free-hand cut my flames so they'd be more realistic looking.

Originally I'd planned on using fusible webbing and ironing on my design, but with so many little pieces that was going to be a major pain so instead I used fabric glue. Honestly he's going to wear it once or twice so I'm not super concerned with durability.

You can see the glue in the picture above, but don't worry when it drys the whiteness of the glue goes away and all you see is the colour of your fabric. I was kinda freaking out that I'd ruined it by using too much glue and it would dry all nasty, but it totally didn't. Also if you are like me and like to work all spread out on the floor a Stokke Table Top makes a great craft tray!

I think Blondie Boy looks super cute in his outfit and while he wouldn't exactly sit still for a photoshoot he really like staring at the candles flickering and smiles when I say the Baruch. I can't wait until he's a big enough boy to help light the candles!

Happy Chanukah to Mimi Linda, GG Bess, Auntie Alie and all our Jewish friends and family!