Tuesday, 14 December 2010


I've talked before about how I have problems sleeping part of which stems from not being able to just relax and shut off at night so when I got the chance to trial the Chill Pod I figured it was worth a shot!

The ChillPod helps you control stress, relax and forget your worries as when times are tough you need to chill. This Chillpod, The Ultimate Relaxer, created by Thinking Slimmer's team of Harley Street experts, can be used at any time to reduce stress and improve your sense of well-being and raise your confidence level.

I have to say I was skeptical, but Trevor (he's the wee guy in your iPod talking to you) had a really calming and soothing voice. I listened to my ChillPod in bed after I'd done my bedtime routine, but before I settled in to try and sleep. The more you listen the better you get at getting your body to relax.

Now I have no idea if this is psychosomatic or if suggestive thought is just that, but I certainly went to sleep easier on the nights I listened than those I did not for whatever reason. I'm hopefully going to try out the SlimPod for New Moms to try and help me kick-start my get fit campaign, too!

The ChillPod is available to download or on CD for £14.99.
Transatlantic Blonde was provided this product to review.