Sunday, 5 December 2010

X-Factor Live Shows: Semi-Final

Rebecca Ferguson

I'm not loving her eye makeup, it's like something off America's Next Top Model when they bleach out their eyebrows to make them look "fierce." Rebecca is a good singer, but I'll be damned if that girl isn't boring as all hell. There are what I can only assume are spies in leotards dancing around her and she's just standing there and well it's good, but boring.

Mary Byrne

What in disco dancing with the stars reject hell are the dancers wearing? I have to say though this is the absolute best I've heard Mary sing. Maybe she's reliving her glory days as a svelte roller skating singing waitress and it's working for her! Yes I am aware I just made up a preposterous backstory but it works for me.

Matt Cardle

The guitar isn't necessary and maybe it's just me but I don't think it's plugged in anyways. Overall I feel it really needs more production and something else going on beside him just standing there pretending to play guitar. Oh wow Brian Freedman heard me and cue the choir and confetti! I think you can tell his voice isn't 100% this week, but he doesn't sound bad, just not at the top of his game.

Cher Lloyd

Does this really qualify as a dance song? Also again what are the dancers wearing? Tails with shorts and combat boots? I think Grace was too busy playing nurse to Matt and checked out on dressing the back-up dancers this week. What the F was up with Cheryl's duck face there! She's like a stage Mom on "Toddlers and Tiaras" miming in the audience what their child should do on stage. Meh, I didn't like it.

One Direction

I actually really like this Rihanna song. I think a lot of the chorus isn't sounding perfect but I think it's a good song choice and little girls, as always, are going to love them. Again, I'm not really sure it's a dance song though. I think they'd have to take a giant crap on stage during their next song not to make it through tonight.

Matt Cardle

Oy vey I'm so over this stupid song from that stupid commercial everyone except me loves. I've checked out already and I can pretty fairly say I won't have a single positive thing to say so I should just go google holiday presents for Blondie Boy. Ew and he totally missed that big "Oooh" note the first go. See I told you, nothing nice to say; I don't care if he's sick that was crap.

Mary Byrne

Oh that was an awful opening note! I freaking love "The Way We Were." The quirky, political Jewish girl and the golden boy Goy through love and loss--if you haven't seen this movie it is amazing. I love Barbra and this song is Barbra and Mary can not pull it off. I checked out after that first note, but it's not gotten any better. She's back to my original thoughts on her as this has cancelled out everything that was good about her first song. I hope she's crying because she realizes how horrible that was.

Cher Llyod

What is this? I can normally name a song within the first few bars. Ahh it's the Rihanna and Eminem song. First off I have *major* problems with this song because I think it's ridiculously irresponsible for a domestic violence survivor to sing "I like the way it hurts" and Rihanna should know better especially as she's a role model for young girls. Overall, I liked this song better than her first song though. Oooh did you catch that "hmm" in response to Danni? That Cher is a cocky little thing!

Rebecca Ferguson

Oh this is sooo clichéd and way too slow. I really think this is going to keep her out of the final. It's one thing to do a really slow ballad that's original or a new twist on an old song, but this is just blah. At least her makeup is better?

One Direction

This is a really good song, but I kinda feel like it's a bit 5 years ago. Again little girl will love it so it doesn't really matter what I think. Speaking of what I think I've decided that Zain looks like Ugly Betty's nephew Justin, what do you think? Their harmonies were a lot better on this song and no one crapped on stage so unless I'm totally missing something they are through to the finals.

I'm actually going to make a prediction on the bottom two this week and my bottom two are Rebecca and Mary.