Here's how it works. Write a blog about being a feminist mom, raising a feminist child, a rant or anything that falls under the realm of being a feminist mom. Come back and link your post and post the button on your blog.
That's it.
You don't even have to be a blogger to take part - just send me your post and I will publish it on my blog for you. You don't even have to include your name if you prefer.
When you've published it, come back on Friday and via a widget thing you can add a link to your post and share it with everyone. The link remains open for 5 days.
Visit others, comment if you like them or feel inspired by them. Just go out and encourage and support other feminist Moms.
The more support you give, the more you will get back! I can't wait to meet and interact with other feminist moms around the world!
Friday, 30 July 2010
Feminst Friday
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
This is What a Feminist Looks Like

That's it.
You don't even have to be a blogger to take part - just send me your post and I will publish it on my blog for you. You don't even have to include your name if you prefer.
When you've published it, come back on Friday and via a widget thing you can add a link to your post and share it with everyone. The link remains open for a week.
Visit others, comment if you like them or feel inspired by them. Just go out and encourage and support other feminist Moms.
The more support you give, the more you will get back! I can't wait to meet and interact with other feminist moms around the world!
...and the winner is!
Notice he's wearing giraffes, nice touch right? Anyway! The winner of the Sophie the Giraffe Giveaway is...

This product was provided to Transatlantic Blonde to giveaway, but the postage will be provided by Blondie herself.
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Sunday Style
Either way I'm thinking my blog needs re-vamp. I love my background that the fabulous Mooeta made for me, but I think the focus of my blog has changed and maybe it doesn't represent what it's all about now?
Does blog appearance matter to you? What sort of things do you like to see? Could you really not care less and wish I'd shut up already?
Anyone have any tips or tricks on how to make a fabulous header/background? I'm not the most html savvy gal on the block. I'm also totally up for working out a deal if anyone wants to hook me up :)
...And for putting up with a fairly boring post, here's a video of Blondie Boy doing two of his favorite things: screeching/babling & kicking:
Thursday, 22 July 2010
The Naughty Step
Photo from the Daily Mail.
Really Billie? I understand that she may not be blowing smoke directly in her son's face, but regardless she is smoking in very close proximity to her wee son. This is not okay in my book and I don't understand how people still smoke so close to small children. I HATE seeing mother's holding their child's hand or pushing a pram and smoking.
I do not let anyone smoke around Blondie Boy and if I know someone has been smoking they aren't allowed to hold him. I've read studies where even as much as residual smoke on clothing can affect babies.
Why would you knowingly endanger your child's life with something that can so easily be prevented? Ideally no one should smoke, but if you want to harm yourself, at least do it far, far away from children.
So I've gone ahead and judged Billie and think she needs time to think about what she's done. Who would you put on the naughty step?I tag:
-Mrs Bro, The Thomas Chronicles
-Kami, The Mommy Diaries
-Vonnie, Adventures of a Lady in Training
-Andrea, Forever is Tomorrow is Today
-Allyson, Day in the Life
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Sophie la Girafe
I'd read about Sophie on Kami, Tanya, Mo's blogs and lots of my friends had recommended her as well, so when we got the opportunity to review Sophie for Hello Baby Direct, I was pretty excited.
Blondie Boy has been drooling and chomping on his hands for a few months and while no teeth have sprouted, it's clear that he is teething. You can tell when his mouth is sore and I don't like medicating him if I don't have to.
Sophie is billed as a sensory development toy, but I'd call her a teether. To be honest, she looked and squeaked like a dog toy at first glance and believe me the Emma Dog's ears perked up when she first heard Sophie squeak, but she's not a dog toy.
Sophie is made of 100% natural rubber and food paint which means she's non-toxic and supposedly smells and tastes nice to babies.
I would definitely recommend it to anyone with a teething baby, but don't just take my word, here are Blondie Boy's thoughts on Sophie:
Sophie the Giraffe is available from Hello Baby Direct for £11.99, but Trevor from Hello Baby has kindly donated one for me to giveaway on my site!
To enter:
Comment on your favorite teething remedy and to whom you'd be giving Sophie
Extra Entries:
-Follow my Blog publicly and comment to let me know (1 extra entry)
-Follow me on Twitter and tweet about the giveaway and comment to let me know (1 extra entry)
-Follow Hello Baby Direct on Twitter and tweet about the giveaway and comment to let me know (1 extra entry)
-Blog about the giveaway and comment to let me know (1 extra entry)
Make sure to leave each entry in a separate comment.
I've checked out shipping prices and I'm opening this giveaway to all of my readers worldwide! A winner will be drawn at random on July 27th at 12:00 GMT. Winners must contact me within 48 hours or another winner will be drawn. CONTEST CLOSED.
Transatlantic Blonde was provided this product to review.
Sunday, 18 July 2010
Plumb in your Mouth

Plums were on sale for £1 a punnet at my grocery, so it seemed like a good deal. There were a lot of different ways to cook the plums, but I opted to go with what seemed like the easiest: boiling.
I washed the plums and threw them into a pot of boiling water for around 10 minutes. The water will turn from clear to a bright purpley-red.
When cooked I dunked the plums in cold water to get the skins off, but honestly they were peeling off already. A lot of the flesh came off with the skin, so I think I might try an alternative method in the future.
The plums will come apart in your hands, so take out the pits and throw into a food processor and blend until smooth. As always I put in in an ice-cube tray to freeze and store for later. I brought back trays from the US which are about 2x bigger than UK ones and a better portion size. As you can see a punnet of plums only makes 6 cubes--not a great output.
I tasted the puree and it was really tart. I decided to mix some with rice to cut the tartness, but umm you judge for yourself what Blondie Boy thought. We'll give them a try for another 4 days, but I don't foresee a success.
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
Smiley Happy People
Well in her profession she knows some of the best photographers in the Tri-State area (OH/IN/KY) and for my 30th birthday she gifted me a photo shoot by Kortnee Kate for Blondie Boy! She also got the amazing Nancy from Brideface to make me beautiful before hand; Nancy did my makeup for my wedding and other events and it is one of my favorite treats!
I'm so pleased with the gorgeous shots that Kortnee got of Blondie Boy and of us as a family. It was a really hot day and Blondie Boy was struggling in the heat (and an unfortunate face-plant that won't be mentioned), but she got some amazing shots.
Blondie, Blondie Boy & NotBlondeHusband
Monday, 12 July 2010
Flukeing Fantastic!
Blondie Boy was sent the Bill & Ben Baby Blanket, Whirligig Striped Short Sleeve Tee Shirt and Rintintin Long Johns. I was in love before we even opened the package as they were wrapped in adorable cartooned wrapping paper--it felt like I was getting a present from a friend!
Transatlantic Blonde received this product to review.
Sunday, 11 July 2010
Hup Hup!
World Cup Prediction 1:
The Netherlands
World Cup Prediction 2:
The Netherlands
World Cup Prediction 3:
Netherlands lead and Spain win at the last minute.
Thursday, 8 July 2010
My chicken's pretty funky

I'm homesick. It normally happens at some point after we get back from the States, but this time since we were home so long it has hit me really hard. I can't get back on the same timezone and I'm just sorta in a blah mood in general and it is affecting just about everything I do.
CyberMummy: I totally appreciate the fabulous people at Emma's Diary sponsoring me to attend and I had a great day listening and learning from speakers, liaising with PR folk and meeting other bloggers. However, I didn't come away with that warm fuzzy feeling of sisterhood everyone else has been blogging about. I felt like an outsider looking in; everyone seemed to know everyone else or had just made a new best friend. Between all the back and forth on twitter and blogs popping up on lists just makes me feel like I've failed at Blogger Popularity 101.
Faux-Nephew: My best friend had her baby boy 3 weeks early and I was in the same country as her, but couldn't go and see her. Logistically there was no way I could get to DC from Cincinnati and back with a 5 1/2 month old with all the stuff we had scheduled while I was home, but I still felt ridiculously guilty that my best friend in the entire world was so close, but so far away. Even just writing this right now I feel guilty and teary that I didn't find a way to make that 10 hour drive and meet her new son. I hate that I don't know when our boys will get to meet and I know that's because I live abroad.
6 months: Blondie Boy is half a year old, W-T-F. He's following the same growth curve and now weighs 16lbs, 8oz. We had his customary photo shoot, but I just can't be bothered photoshopping in the number 6 and pulling it all together. Otherwise I love the boy to bits and he constantly makes me smile and there absolutely nothing blah about him. Trust me even his poos are blah, they are more blech to be precise.
Dieting: Ugh. We all know I've done South Beach before and it really works, but I also know that South Beach and fresh food in general is really expensive. Being on extended maternity leave means being on a budget, so South Beach isn't going to be an option. I'm going to try the Special K Diet (2 bowls a day + one healthy meal), so if anyone knows anyone at Kellogg's please hook a girl up. In general I'm not happy with my post-pregnancy body, but let's not go there.
Sunshine Award: I'm supposed to tell you ten things about me and let you know ten other bloggers I like. Honestly I think I've been honest enough in this post and I'd suggest you try any of the people in my blog roll to the right.
This isn't my typical post and I know that; hell there's only one picture and it's not even of Blondie Boy. I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer, but I am trying to keep it real. Wasn't blogging about stuff whether people like it or not one of the things CyberMummy taught us? So for those of you who hate this post, I'm sorry. I promise to post some fabulous pictures of Blondie Boy, taken by the AMAZING Kortnee Kate, tomorrow for you. See yet another easy thing I could have blogged about, but haven't.
Thank you for bearing with me and if you've ever been in a funk, especially a homesick funk, what do you do to shake it?